
If you had to choose 3 players who you desperately want to leave your club,who would they be?

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If you had to choose 3 players who you desperately want to leave your club,who would they be?




  1. hmmm, Zat Knight. lol I think he is the only one-He is a liablilty!!! But really I'm happy for him to stay at the club as long as he isn't on the pitch. Lol I don't think my nails or my heart can take it!!!

  2. have to agree with Mandana..

    every player is important to a club. no matter how bad they may seem to be on the pitch, their value must always be appreciated.

  3. No one.

    Eboue - maybe last season I would have said him but he's really improved and is the only one playing with gusto when the team are up against it.

    Bendtner - I don't rate him highly as most, I'd say he's the worst striker in our squad at this point. But he's still good and young, so he may be great one day.

  4. No one.

    I appreciate them all.

  5. am milanista and i really like all ny team players .. except this three players ..

    1- Emerson .

    2- Kalac .

    3- dida .. he does a lot of great things in the past .. butt i think its the time to let him go .. and thanks for all what he did in the past years ..  

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