
If you had to choose? Which One - Aliens or Ghosts?

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  1. ghosts, they r scary and I watch many things of ghosts on tv so I think they might exist but not aliens lol!!

  2. I would choose ghosts babe.

  3. ghosts..i'm fasinated by them

  4. Ghosts

  5. Aliens - Because 1 ghost are really bad in movies (bad special effects) and 2 Aliens are mysterious AND are from a different planet

  6. Aliens,....they  are  around  more  than  ghost.

  7. If space is indeed infinite, then I believe it very likely to harbor alien life. In fact, It would be almost absurd to assume earth is the only planet in an infinite sea of planets able to sustain life. (bacteria are living...HA HA alien bacteria!!!) Ghosts on the other hand are almost laughable! However it has not been proven that they do not exist, I'm alien all the way!

  8. Aliens I always wondered about them!

  9. Ghosts I honestly see them...Alien I dont know

  10. Ghosts I believe they are real.  

  11. Aliens are creepy but ghosts are excellent.

  12. Ghosts!

    If i saw one, It would be proof there is a "next life" and I could stop taking this one so seriously

  13. Aliens. Scientifically Aliens are more likely to exsist than ghosts. Obviously Alien can come in any form, from squigy green things to single-cell organisms

  14. Ghosts.  Aliens creep me out more. ;)

  15. Aliens are about a million times more plausible than ghosts. Not that I believe for a second they have ever visisted earth...

  16. hmmm... Aliens was a good movie! I think I would go with being an Alien!

  17. Hmmmm, I'd have to go for ghosts because they would be proof of another state of existence for humankind, whereas aliens would just be proof that we're not alone, which is pretty much a certainty anyway given the math.

  18. Aliens have to be real. It's very unlikely That we're the only planet in a billion to have life. There are infinite galaxies and planets we don't even know about.

  19. Ghost...Love honey

  20. I'd rather choose the Ghostly girlfriend .... Then I could pretend I didn't see her .... and if its a windy night I couldn't hear her either.

  21. Aliens is COOL  

  22. Aliens are creatures that we haven't yet officially discovered despite numerous reports of encounters, sightings and abductions that live in different worlds. Ghosts how ever are supposedly the supernatural side to a human, the soul, spirit, mind that live in different dimensions, realms, planes.

    To choose is pretty hard, i'd go with gahlien, half ghost/alien :D

    -Also there's proof that suggests that both exsist! but sadly proof that's against their exsistence!

  23. Ghosts. (seeing is beleving)

  24. Aliens.  The mere idea of ghosts kind of gives me the creeps.

  25. Aliens.

  26. Aliens, ghosts are dull - relatively

  27. Ghosts because the universe has had a finite existence and if it took life on earth this long to evolve to this point why would it have evolved faster and better else where?

  28. ghosts, i've seen them

  29. Aliens  

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