
If you had to choose any of the BB9 housemates......?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike actually live with in real life who would you choose ? The entertainment of the more erratic housemates or the easy life with a gentile one....or just opt for a bit of eye candy.

One two bedroom Flat, One Housemate, One Year.....You decide.

Just play along eh, if you hate them all, or just want to tell me you wouldn't live with any of them (I know nobody would) don't bother : )




  1. i hate bb

  2. rex cus he can cook but i would need to get a gag for him

  3. I'd live with Rachel because she is so nice! I do honestly think that she is a genuinely nice person!

  4. Good question. I would have to choose Sara or Rex for the following reasons.

    Rex - So when he is a shithead i can shout him down like he deserves for a year so when he comes out he may only be horrible and not a complete awful poo face *wat like he is now.

    Sara - She's gorgeous, surely if it was a year soimething must happen and i would love it to. I think shes a lovely person also.

    If Maysoon was still in it would be her for all of saras reasons x2.

    However i want mikey to win, i only didnt choose him because the above 2 are too good opportunities to pass up.

  5. Rachel,without a doubt.

    She's just such a lovely person.

  6. darnell because he'd make me feel that my life actually aint that bad!!!!!

  7. Rex coz I can't cook Phil !

  8. Either Dale or Stu, as they were both quite relaxed, and not too loud. They were both quite entertaining and they have the eye candy too! 3/3 for me!

  9. ha ha i'm with kimmy (great answer lol xx) love his voice but kimmy have you seen him someone put a link to his profile not nice looking at all!!!

    if i had to pick one of the h/m's it would have to be rachel so she can do the cooking and cleaning !!! (bit mean i know)  

  10. Rex. I like his kind of humour, and I'm a shite cook.

  11. I think it would have to be Dale, for the eye candy mostly.  He is too young for me, but hey, this is just make believe.  

  12. i am stuck between rachel and rex. rachel would be a great help with the kids/housework/good listener/etc but rex would just keep you amused although also infuriated,yet he is loaded so xmas would be great.

    ok i have just re-read the first sentence and stuck between rachel and rex is not somewhere i would like to be, so i will pick stu as he would help me keep fit!!!

  13. Rachel, because if I had a bad day or if someone was horrible to me I could come home and she would tell me it wasn't my fault and what a wonderful person I was!

  14. Dale , Preferably in a ONE BEDROOM house.

  15. stuart

  16. Rachel because she would be good with the kids and the dog!!

  17. I'd actually say Stu if I'm allowed to mention previous housemates. I think he'd be cool and laid yeah Stu.

    If I can't choose Stu then Rachel please :) shes laid back and friendly, not bitchy or 2 faced either which I can't stand. So rachel purely for these reaons!

  18. Rex, I'm normally too pissed to cook

  19. s**y Stuart. ;-)

  20. rex cos he's brutally honest and i like that

  21. Rachel for sure! She`s my kind of person :) x x x

  22. Errr....probably Rachel just because i'd end up punching any of the rest of them. At least she's fairly inoffensive and besides, she'd gladly do all my washing and cleaning.

  23. nikki.

  24. Definitely Rachel!

  25. I'd rather live with the voice over bloke...

    Just to hear his voice everyday...

    Day 52....Kimmy opens another bottle of wine....(in my best BB voice)

  26. I'd chose the gentle Rachel....

    I can't stand clever clogs like REX or Man-teasers like SARA...

    MIKEY would be too much hard work and DARNELL would do my head in with his feeling sorry for himself sob stories.

    I suppose I must really want Rachel to win....lmao

    But Darnell winning would make me happy too.

  27. I don't even know who any of them are. Personally I'd rather watch paint dry than watch Reality TV.

  28. I'd live with sarah because shes funny, but knows when to stop

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