
If you had to choose between a lil wayne concert and a jonas brothers concert, which would you choose?

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I would choose lil wayne. He is my ultimate favorite singer/rapper in the world. Every CD that he is on, many people go and buy it. Also, tell me why you chose the jonas brothers or lil wayne.




  1. Jonas Brothers : I have seen them perform and they give AMAZING concerts!!!!! :)

  2. Probably the jonas brothers.  I would hopefully get some laughs out of their S****y music before i gouged my ears out.

  3. lil wayne

    besides kevins g*y

  4. jonas brothers no second thought

    lil wayne is just a wannabe and hes ugly

    if he wasnt rich and famous hed be a lonely hobo wandering around dc with a shopping cart full of booze

  5. You should choose the jonas brothers cause it like a night you will never for get well you have to be a teen age girl how thinks the jonas brothers are the hottest thing ever and know all there songs and the words oh and you have to stand screaming cause its a lot of screaming after you cant hear and you have to scream a lot there so yeah if your not like that then don't choose the jonas brothers its all teenage screaming and crying girls once the jonas brothers hit the stage!!!!!

  6. Jonas Brothers because I like they're music a little bit better and I can actually relate to they're music.

  7. I would rather Pis$, $hit, and vomit myself to death inside filled septic tank, with a rabid wolverine biting both of my.....

  8. i went to the jonas brothers concert in july and it was incredible! it wasnt just music but it was a performance too. they did backflips and a bunch of tricks like that. plus, there was a light show with fire on the side of the stage ("burnin up") was AMAZING!!! the best concert i've ever been to!

  9. love both

    Jb concert would be filled with anoyying little girls thinking theyll have a chance with the brothers s****.>
    lil waynee alll daiii!!

  10. i'd rather have lil wayne, he has WAYYY better music, and i wouldn't have to put up with snotty little kids.  

  11. Lil Wayne, without a doubt. His songs are just amazing. He's one of the best rappers ever, in my opinion.

  12. Jonas, duh!

  13. Jonas Brothers

    they are so pure and never fake

    they act like normal teenagers

    they are incredibally thankful for thier succes

    they interact with fans


    the music is completely relatable

  14. prob the jonas brothers just because i'm not really that into rap, i mean i like it but not that much to go to a concert. but my brother has been to 3 lil wayne concerts and he says that it was amazing but that's his opinion! but if i did have to pick a favorite rapper i would say lil wayne just because i hear him everyday because of my brother




  16. I rather go to a Jonas brother concert because I don't really like lil Wayne's  music  

  17. Um...JONAS BROTHERS!! Just because their music is more for my age and I also don't really like rap.....sorry!

  18. JONAS BROTHERS hands down;;

    i am like in love with them=]]

    &&not just b/c they're hott && amazing, but b/c they lead a life that i want to follow;;

    unlike lil wyane=/

  19. I think both are at the top of the music business right now, but lil wayne did sell around 1.5 million the first week.  I would chose lil wayne also because he doesn't perform as many places as most artists, so he's a little more rare.  I think he would just be a better performer in general too. But i doubt you could go wrong with either.

  20. I wouldn't really want to go to either.  But, if I had to choose, definitely Lil' Wayne.  I don't like the Jonas Bros. at all.

  21. Jonas Brothers, hands down.

  22. lil wayne s***w the jonas brothers they're good but wayne's better  

  23. i love lil wayne and the joans brothers,

    but i dont want to go to a concert with a bunch of drunk scary teens

  24. Lil Wayne. Concert photo and state of Lil Wayne-ism /

  25. sadly ... the jonas brothers because i dont like rap personaly

  26. Jonas Brothers absolutely. I would take my kids to see them anyday, than to a rap concert. The JB's music has true meaning. They actually sing from there heart about life experiences. Rappers just get up there and bop around and talk with a tune to it. Sometimes you can't even undertstand what they are talking about. I have never liked rapped.

  27. LIL WAYNE!!! HE IS THE BESTEST RAPPER ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333

  28. Jonas Brothers deffinitly

    mostly because we are best friends

    and i dont know who lil wayne is

  29. lil wayne, no contest. Jonas brothers are just another flavor of the week. Wayne's the best rapper alive, how could u ask a question like this.

  30. Sell the tickets and buy CDs of a band I like.

  31. i would rather eat my own feet and all my hair than go to either, but i'd pick lil wayne because anything is better than jb

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