
If you had to choose between burning a copy of the Bible or copy of the Bill of Rights, which would you burn?

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Supposing you had to kindle paper for warmth or light--wouldn't a benevolent deity (such as Jesus) permit you to burn a few pages of the Bible if you had to keep warm or needed a light? What parts of the Bible would you not wish to burn--perhaps the parts dealing with social justice and liberty as found in the Bill of Rights, one which guarantees our Freedom of Religion! Without the Bill there wouldn't be Freedom of Religion!




  1. They are both just paper.  It is the idea behind them that is important.

  2. Well, it would depend on which version of the Bible it was. If it was the old testament, I wouldn't burn it, because it is God's word. If it was the new testament, I probably would burn it because it's man's word.

    I would burn the bill of rights as well, as I don't feel as if they are working.  

  3. are you always such a trouble maker?  ;-)

  4. i'm jewish so i don't read the bible, but i wouldn't burn it. everyone should accept people for who they are, not their religion

  5. The bill of rights, because if I was in such a dark place that I would have to burn books for light or warmth, I would need to read the Bible for comfort.

  6. I am very worried because you and some of your fellow jews decided that my Christian beliefs mean absolutely nothing to you.

    I would not burn a copy of the talmut myself because I respect what it represents to you and your fellow jews.

    That's the difference between me and you.

    So I am asking you to try harder to respect our faith.

    I still respect you no matter what you do to our holy books but I am not happy about it.


  7. the bill of rights frst, then the bible. im jewish, my god allwos the breaking of commandments to stay alive. (with the exception of three)

  8. if by this you mean a good copy of the bible and the original bill of rights.  I would burn the replaceable bible and save the bill of rights.

    If you mean give up my belief in the bible than someone will have a fight on their hands.

  9. i would burn the bible, it means nothing to me (I'm Jewish)  

  10. I would burn the Bill of Rights

  11. I would say the Bill of rights because its man made where the Bible is the word from the Lord.

  12. The Bill of Rights, I'm not American so I don't care, I would even burn your flag. Cheers!

  13. a copy of the bill of rights means nothing. it's not the law, it's not holy, it's okay to burn, you're not burning the idea.

    to an observant jew, a bible is holy and you don't want to burn that. however, since we don't believe in the new testament, we could burn those pages without hesitation.  

  14. I would burn would be worthless to burn paper for heat anyway and if I had wood to burn then I would need no paper to start a fire. You can shave a little wood to make kindling. That said...

    This fact that Jews (whom I have always supported) have burned our Christian Bibles is VERY troubling. The answers of some Jews given to these questions over the last few hours are even more troubling. "Dirty, lieing Christians"?, "We don't want it"? Well...perhaps you don't want the support of Christians either? I will not say anything more out of anger at this point, but this is a big problem. You know, it is the Christians who you are treating so poorly that are the ones who support you in one else. I am very disappointed...

  15. OK I have quite an imagination so I'll have fun with your question :)

    The plane crashed and we had to make a smoke stack so the search planes could find us they are coming nearer we have to do it quick!

    I just have to grab whatever is closer. That is my answer, I just burn whatever is closer.

    It happened to be a Bible, the Jewish Scripture is in there too.  It's English version. A Neo-n**i (who was the pilot) is helping me make the fire too and doesn't complain about it at all  when I hesitate as the rescue plane is coming he tells me to hurry up so I end up burning Revelations.  

    In Hebrew we are accustomed to read from back to front, right to left so the first part I would naturally grab would be the end of the English  book, which is the Christian section, New Testament, Revelations.

    We survived the plane crash and the neo-n**i makes it home safe and sound then tells all the Christians that the Jew crashed the plane to burn up their Holy Book and some people believe the Jew was saved but not really.

    Moral to the story is:  Think about it, really think about it.  Do you put more weight on a neo-n**i exercising the bill of rights (in absence of religion) and smearing Jews or the Jew who hesitantly does what he can under excruciating circumstances?

    To actually answer the question without the story I would pick bill of rights if time allowed.  the Tanakh has everything I need and would give me more comfort than that fire, and out of respect for the Christians  I would decline on their behalf.  

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