
If you had to chose between living in atotal dicatorshio (hitler type) and toal anarchy what would you chose

by Guest63889  |  earlier

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I would personally chose anarchy, WHY? in my point of view, chances, in an anarchy everyone like it or not has the same percentage of survival than anyone else, in a dictatorship those who oposse the dicator has no chances of survivals, resistance never suceeds I personally think I would had more chances of survival with a crazy band of dudes (as it is an anarchy I can too have weapons) than a bunch of 300 soldiers armes with BB guns and me unarmed everyone perfectly organized and looking for the "traitor"




  1. Anarchism any day.

    Anarchism, in a nutshell, supports free association, opposes the state, and opposes hierarchy. (At the very least, anarchists oppose involuntary hierarchy; anarchists often try to create egalitarian alternatives to the semi-voluntary hierarchies too).

    There are several different traditions which respect these values, and usually recognize each other as forms of anarchism. These traditions borrow ideas from classical liberalism, from early socialism, from each other, and sometimes from other sources.

    People depend on each other. People tend to create their own voluntary social order, including free association, reciprocity, mutual aid, and, if necessary, mutual defense. Once people create this order, a state, or any other criminal gang, is in trouble. So the state, to preserve itself, must preempt voluntary social order.

    Highleyman, "An introduction to anarchism:"

    "An anarchist FAQ:" or (same text)

  2. You obviously don't know what anarchy is.

    To answer your question: I would chose anarchy as any person with the slightest bit of brain would.

    this is for you:

  3. You will be in h**l in those two choices. In dictatorship, you are twisted by the neck by the control of a greedy tyrant. In anarchy, there is no rule of law, and it's a dog eats dog scenario where people have to fight like wild animals to survive and protect what you have.

  4. Both are totalitarian in nature.Anarchy always leads to dictatorship.For it never lasts long,regardless of what is smellingly dripped onto websites or in deluded minds.

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