
If you had to create a logo to motivate people to help end global warming, what would it look like?

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What images would the logo include? Would it be negative or positive? Would it have words? Thanks so much for answering.




  1. Save The Earth From A Huge Disaster!! That Is Global Warming!!

  2. itd be a picture of earth on fire

  3. Me smoking a coal cigarette

  4. How about the world with heat waves emanating from it.

  5. 4 people smoking a bong and saying, wow its warm in here must be global warming.  Just stop, get rehab, lose this notion.

  6. Hmm. lets see if some scientists are telling us all that carbon dioxide is the major factor in global warming, and we humans emit , I mean exhale this offensive gas, then the only conclusion that we can reach, being highly intelligent individuals, I mean human resources, is that we must limit the amount of this poisonous gas into the atmosphere. I can not think of a good logo, but how about a slogan, something like SAVE THE EARTH Kill Yourself. Just a thought.

  7. It would be a picture of Al Gore living on leaves and twigs, living under a wing of his jet, which he had removed when he junked it.

  8. people burning cause the sun is 1 inch away from them

  9. I would have something like glombal warming -Your killing us all!!!! and a picture of the earth deflated like a balloon or something hope i helped answer my question

  10. Itd be a swasticka. That pretty much sums up the idea of man made global warming and the people who believe in it.

  11. one thing i would include is a $. i know at first you ask why...but when you think abou it everyone relates things and can agree on a monetary value. a lot of people are not interested in the well being of others but rather their personal for example tell them the less they pollute..less healthcare problems...lower premiums.hope this helps

  12. It would be a swastika, with the motto "Believe" underneath


  14. A picture of AL Gore stealing money from the world. Then a picture of Al Gore eating the world.

  15. A skull and crossbones.

    "No organism can survive living in its own waste products--including human beings"

  16. It would read : Man-made global warming is real !! The UN and Al Gore wouldn't lie !!


  17. i am  guessing u r a student or at uni so u could show that the poles were melting, the water was rising, rain forests becoming deserts and maybe even buildings underwater and everyone complaining


  18. maybe an earth with all different color,shaped hands holding the earth

  19. I would have a bumper sticker, it would say "When is this Global Warming going to start? "  Because G.W. is a hoax, plus being in Ohio, we have had one of the coldest winters on record...right in the middle of global warming.

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