
If you had to decide in what manner to carry out the death penalty, what would be your method?

by  |  earlier

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Personally, if it's going to done, I would say,...give the person a whole bunch of barbituates....then when he's practically in coma,..inject some sort of heart stopping drug. That's the most humane way I can think of.




  1. I don't really get the whole humane thing.  If someone is getting the death penalty, then most likely they  weren't very humane to their victim, So why worry about treating them any better.  I say use the cheapest way possible, or maybe something reusable like a guillotine. As far as drugging them first I say to h**l with that. Drag them kicking and screaming to the gallows. Let them relive a little of the terror that they caused someone else.

    When I was in college some friends and I had this same conversation and one guy came up with an idea that was pretty popular among all involved.   Match them up by weight, and then have them fight to the death.  This can be a win, win situation.  The survivor gets another 6 months or so until his next fight, and you can sell it on pay per view and earn a **** load of money that can pay for the cost of keeping the scum bags in prison, which translates into less tax dollars wasted on them.

  2. I think the most hamune way is by lethal injection. Just like putting somebody into deep sleep.

  3. As much as "Death penalty" is a hot topic. It is tainted and amplified by politicians. I believe "emotional torture" is the most inhumane way in the whole world, far more inhumane than any method of current death penalty. And this happens everywhere. We should fix that first.

  4. firing squad cheapest way and effective

    for rapists and child molesters just chop his p***s off and let him bleed to death

  5. It depends what you are after. Apparently guillotine was the most rapid, painless way yet devised, though gunshot is probably close. But there is the gruesomeness factor in both of those. If you are trying to protect the sensibilities of those who watch or think about it, rather than keeping pain to the executed person to a minimum, lethal injection looks sterile and is less distressing to society and the witnesses.

  6. a person who is going to get the death penalty is getting it for a pretty sick and inhumane reason so why should we care how he dies?  Let him go the most painful way available!

  7. It's not about being humane; if someone deserves the death penalty, they have probably horribly killed at least one person, so they deserve pain too, for as long as possible, so they have time to regret what they did before they die.

  8. There's nothing humane about the death penalty, no matter how you carry it out.

  9. Simple bullet in the back of the head, cheapest.

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