
If you had to donate to a charity, which one would it be?

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I personally donate to St. Judes Hospital (Cancer research center for children) and to the DAV (Disabled American Veterans).





  2. I am helping the Children's Cancer Research Fund to raise funds to further the research for children with cancer during one of their fundraisers between January 8th and April 10th, 2008. I have donated my time & money to help with this cause. I am looking ideas to help raise funds for this non-profit charity. I am also looking for caring individuals to assist the children with cancer to reach a goal of finding a cure. However, this can't happen without the support of caring individuals like yourself. If you wish you can donate by going to:

    Please also let all your friends know about this fundraiser, because every donation goes directly to the Children's Cancer Research Fund and can help save thousands of lives.

    If you wish, you can email me at:

    Thank you.

    John Thorpe

  3. World Vision

  4. I've been donating to the Demelza  House Children's Hospice in Kent, England for 4 years. It's been wonderful.

  5. I would donate to the Salvation Army.

  6. Hands down - The Salvation Army. Approximately 90 cents of every dollar goes directly to help people in need. They are the #1 charity in the world for ethical use of donated funds.

    They provide food, clothing, shelter, and disaster relief to millions of people every year and they do it without publicity.

    Donate here:

  7. Those are 2 great charitable organizations to donate to, but if you wanted to donate to just one, it would be United Way which goes a long way and covers many charities.  Also, the Red Cross is a great organization which takes care of people in emergency situations like emergency food/housing.

  8. At my local animal control. I do now with my time and money.

  9. I would donate to Cancer children's.I would also donate food,clothes to Mal nutritious children.If I could I will also open an school for them.

  10. Check this site out first

    Charity Navigator works with a team of professional analysts who have scoured over tens of thousands of non-profits' financial documents. After each charity's evaluation (there are over 5,000 on the site), it's given an unbiased, numbers-based rating, so you can make sure your donation won't go to waste.

    I have been reading through so many different Charities on here and it's crazy to see the difference in where your money goes.

  11. Project Linus, they are an organization that makes blankets.  For children in the hospital, children who's parent died in the  war, and they also give blankets to camps for kids with cancer or the burn camps.  Definitely check it out!

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