
If you had to imagine a different color, could you?

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A color that you've never seen before and doesn't even compare to the colors of the rainbow? A color that isn't a shade nor tint of a color we already know? Do you think that's hard to imagine?




  1. i've tried and i can't

  2. yes

  3. I have done that b4, I mixed colors and see a new color in my mind. I also did that with paint and crayons. Pretty hrad, but cool.

  4. I here's some info on colors.

  5. No I couldn't.

    I would just see a blend of other colors I've already seen, like a silvery-green.

  6. blorangeple

  7. yeah, i think thats hard to imagine. cause of paint and mixing colors like blue and yellow equal green and stuff.. i think we've uncovered all the colors in the world out there, maybe? thats pretty hard to imagine, another, different color!

  8. Wow it's hard!

  9. This is a silly question.  It's a bit like asking:

    Can you imagine a number that's more than ∞ or less than -∞?

    Besides, color is a product of human perception, which is subjective.  Even if you told me you could imagine a different color, there would be no way to prove it.  Color is perceived as the frequency of electromagnetic waves.  We can perceive all of the frequencies in a narrow band of electromagnetic waves.  Outside of that band, the waves are experienced differently.  Some are sensed as heat, some aren't sensed at all.

  10. It's hard to imagine because 'colour' as we know it is in the electromagnetic spectrum between infra-red and ultra-violet. The 'colours' we know are just various wavelengths of EM radiation.

    Imagining a new colour would involve making up a completely undiscovered frequency.

    Good luck! :P

    To answer the question.... Not really.

  11. YEAH!! it is.

  12. Mix all the colours of nature......then also the colour formed exists......u r right it is hard to imagine.......

  13. As a former artist, I can tell you it's very difficult to even imagine a color you are familiar with.  Or, rather, it's difficult to recall it.  Look at something that has a distinct color.  Then a few hours later try to replicate that color by mixing paint.  Then compare it to the original object.  Chances are you'll be farther off than you would think.

    Since our internal perception of color is just neurological activity, it's possible to imagine just about anything.  However, since we need context to conceptualize something like color, I would imagine it would be difficult to create something like a color except in reference to what we've already seen.

    Also, the colors of the rainbow are defined as that because those colors cover the spectrum of visible light.  Once you go to one side (ultra-violet) or the other (infrared) you are outside the realm of what our eyes are able to see.

  14. Color is actually a property of the wavelength of light and how it is interpreted in your brain. There isn't a way to create a new color that has never existed before. Its not magic, its science.

  15. I think it is hard to imagine because i think man kind has already found every single color that there is humanly possible to find or create.

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