
If you had to live in one of these places...?

by  |  earlier

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Where would you live, for the rest of you life?

A) In the ocean

B) The moon

c) In a card board box - (with people giving you food when you need it)




  1. I would probably pick the moon because the ocean is filled with scary scary creatures and living in a cardboard box...I'm sure you would encounter scary scary people, so Moon it is!

  2. the ocean

  3. I like it how you've added "people giving you food" for the cardboard box when there isn't exactly much to eat on the moon :)'re saying the moon is made of cheese...I love cheese! Yes! I'll go with b) the Moon please!! Awesome :)

  4. A) In the ocean

    There's just so much of it - so much to see! Summer holiday in the Golf of Mexico - Winter deep sea floating in Alaska - day trips to that Finding Nemo theme park-like stream in front of the Australian coast...what more could one want?!?!

    Oh yeah and everything seems kind of weightless under water - no more worrying about weight and diet!!! But then swimming a lot and living of sushi - weight shouldn't be a problem I guess :)

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