
If you had to make a choice to hop on your foot for a year or have the hiccups what would you pick and why?

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If you had to make a choice to hop on your foot for a year or have the hiccups what would you pick and why?




  1. Well hiccups for sure. They start hurting for a while, but at least they look normal. Id look like such a r****d hopping on one foot and i basically would be disabled for that year. Whereas hiccups are normal and i can still go about doing stuff

    Also, if i had the hiccups for a year, it would exercise my abs so much id get a toned belly by the end hahaha

  2. How long would I have to have the hiccups?

    Don't think I could hop on one foot for an entire year.....

  3. Hiccups, definitely hiccups...

  4. I would chose to hop on my foot.

    Although hopping on ones foot is somewhat uncomfortable and unnecessary, it is a voluntary movement which means i can control when i hop.

    However, hiccups are involuntary and you never know when they are going to occur.

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