
If you had to make an abstract, creative drawing about your experience with school, what would it look like?

by  |  earlier

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Preferably high school or college but anything is alright.




  1. it would look like two grown up black guys stuffing a white seventh grader in a locker with there hands in his pocket

  2. Consider:

    (1) An image of a large funky clock ... think Alice in Wonderland funk.  Using pics, scrapbook pieces, newspaper clippings, etc. cut and past per each hour on the clock relative to each of the 12 grades of school (yes, like a collage).  Photograph (digital) the result and then manipulate as desired.

    (2) Same as (1) but consider an outline of a "peace" sign that then has all the different representations of school scattered about inside the outline.

    (3) Review some of Picasso's and Dali's work to not only get some creative ideas but also a sense of composition.

    Have fun!

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