
If you had to pay to use plastic and paper bags from stores would you opt to use reusable bags?

by Guest45545  |  earlier

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If you had to pay to use plastic and paper bags from stores would you opt to use reusable bags?




  1. yes, i get them anyways

  2. I'd go to a different store.

  3. I already use reusable bags, so I guess the answer would be yes.

  4. Yes, and probably a lot of people would.  Not everyone, but a lot of people.

  5. Yes it would be more practical to use reusable bags.

  6. The store i go to has a nice fabric bag you can get for $1, i get one each time i go, there useful for more than grocery's too , and as well made as they are, you cant beat the price , peace ,  have a great day

  7. I already use canvas bags

  8. You do pay already. It is in the price of anything you buy in a store that bags what you buy.

    If you want a good reason to use your own larger cloth or canvas bags it is because they hold more and don't rip out making it easier to get from car to home!:)

    Also most stores around here give you a 5 cent credit for each bag. only 100 trips to the store will pay for that bag ..)

  9. i use them anyway but i guarantee people would use them if you let them know that they were going to be charged. people hate being charged for stuff.

  10. Paper uses more energy to produce. I double the paper bags and reuse them over and over. Also, any large item i try not to have put into bags

  11. Have a car full of enviro canvas bags, keep forgetting to take them with me into the supermarket with me......I am a dope. I will have to hang them around my neck like a necklace next time - don't care how bad it looks....I will be saving the environment.

  12. here the bags cost and its very good because many people are reusing a old bag or dont take a bag if they just have little things to carry o have a bag.

  13. In our town we have Save-alot, and they charge for bags.  People bring them back.  And they allow customers to use the card board boxes from the shelves.  I personally, pass on the card board, here it goes into the land fill if in residential trash.

    There is also an Aldi's, here.   They require a quarter inserted to use a grocery cart.  You get a quarter back when you return the cart.  Never see carts around the outside of the store in the parking lot!

    I use jute bags and my old book bag from college.  Reusable, and water proof.  I paid 3 dollars for the jute bags, from a school fund raiser, 2 years ago.

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