
If you had to..?

by Guest66868  |  earlier

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If you had to carry a small notebook around with you (like in purse or something)

What would you write in it?

I am not talking about a computer either, like an actual notebook. I think I would write like intresting things people say and stuff..

what would you write?




  1. there are some moments when the most ordinary things become most spectacular.......something so pleases you, you can remain happy for the rest of the day only thinking of it........i'd write something like that so i can remeber it latter when the day's not so good and be happy!

  2. I would write my general observations, like if I went to the mall I would write down anyone interesting I saw, or anything I bought or if kids were being too rowdy.  Stuff like that.

  3. funny things i think of through the day then read them when i'm bord or depressed

  4. What i think about people and jokes people say and weird things I see and like everything that looks interesting to meee!

  5. i would write whats on my mind and express writing...or write things abt my friends or jokes or any crazy stuff

  6. yea!! what iv'e experienced that day!

  7. I would write down all of the things I see during my day that restore my faith in humankind. So when I am feeling down about the world and the way things are going I could read about some of those moments that proves to me there is still good things about this life...

  8. I do have one. I write my grocery list on it when i think of stuff.

  9. I already do that, and I write my poetry in it. Mostly haikus.

  10. i would probably write down every good quote or joke someone said
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