
If you had two full weeks to spend in Europe, where would you visit and why?

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If you had two full weeks to spend in Europe, where would you visit and why?




  1. Ignore all previous advices,

    first of all you need to see Prague, Czech Republic! It's a miracle of Europe with castles and old Town Square. After Prague you may consider any other country. I am an American and we also travelled to Budapest and Warsaw, they are not so charming. My next trip i plan to see Italy and Greece.  

  2. Italy.

    All the p**n movie girls who are now government officials in parliament.

    And if it was like I imagine, I'd move there.

    Just on the far side of the tectonic divide & volcanoes.

  3. if i had the money to go to europe for two weeks, i wouldn't be behind on my bills. so if i suddenly came up with the money to go to europe for two weeks, i'd pay my bills off.

  4. Romania cause im Romanian

    advise its always best to go to a country where you know the language

    cause then you can drop the hole english thing and speak in there language they hate Americans...unless your from UK than your European so they like you

    but dont let that  stop you

  5. Italy because the nightlife there looks so much fun and I love nightlife!!! Especially in different countries :)

  6. I just got back from 6 weeks there and the places I would go back and spend more time in were Budapest, Prague, Berlin and Amsterdam. Loved the atmosphere, people, nightlife, so much to do and see!

  7. Motherland Spain becuase every Latino should visit the country that influenced our cultures so greatly.   Plus, Spanish guys are the hottest!

    PS- Why ask if you're gonna thumbs down everyone....?

  8. PARIS!

  9. I would got to Switzerland, Germany, and austria all the hot guys are there

  10. A few days to see the Netherlands, England and Ireland and after that i would stay in Finland, Norway or Sweden, somewhere near the arctic pole.  

  11. Italy and Greece. They have the most amazing monuments, culture, art, sea (Greece), and food! It's also easy to combine because they are close.

  12. Malta :) Small Island, beautiful scenic lagoons, Very Vibrant nightlife! Rich History and Culture, Tasty Food and Very cheap alcohol...

    Its might be small, but it can have a full package for all kinds of travelers, especially backpackers, adventure seekers and party animals.

    Not to mention how easy it is to get around.

    You can check it out on:

    Check out some photos,

    for beautiful and scenic lagoons and caves:

    For lovely restaurants and bars:

    For parties, clubs and pubs:

    For the other Island of Malta, Gozo:

    I hope you like our beautiful island and if you do come,

    Enjoy the beautiful weather and all amnesties that this jewel has to Offer.

  13. i would spend it in ireland.

    the scenery is so beautiful and not overatated like other holiday destinations.

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