
If you happened to be born an Iraqi, how would you feel about the U.S. occupation?

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Nevermind that, if you are a U.S. citizen, how would you feel if you learned that a Congressional report has recently determined that the Bush administration repeatedly and knowingly lied in order to invade and occupy Iraq, something that was on the wish-list since the 1990's of neo-conservatives forming this administrations core "policy advisors," people who seem to favor Israel more than the USA and who seem better at sending other people's sons and daughters to kill and die than serving in wars themselves? People who have no qualms linking the Iraq invasion with 9/11 (an event which they even wished for beforehand - look up "PNAC - New Pearl Harbor" if you don't know this already).

If I were an Iraqi myself, having a world view not so warped by the happy-go-lucky "the surge is working" media, with Fox News and NBC at the forefront, I don't know what I would do...




  1. I was not born an Iraqi, but my physician was.  She was and is happy that the US is there.  She speaks to her family (brothers and sisters) regularly who hope that the US will not pull out soon.  They are also happy the US is there.   So perhaps rather than guessing what you would feel like if you were an Iraqi yourself, you should ask someone who is.

  2. After decades of rule by a brutal dictator, I'd be like "Yea I'm finally free, thank you America!!!!  Please help us continue on the path of freedom".

    Too bad that many in the US would prefer that people live in oppression because it's an inconvenience for us.  Heaven forbid we make an effort to spread freedom throughout the world.

  3. Get off of your d**n soapbox.

    Edit: I'll say it again a$$hole. Get off your soapbox, find your playboy, pinch your inch, and enjoy whats left of your miserable life.

  4. You, British, with your fifth column of British islamists ready to kill you, according to a recent poll in UK, you will live like Iraki people in a few years, amongst bombings.

    Great Britain once was something... Once...

  5. About as happy as an American would feel if America were occupied by Iraqi forces, I guess.

  6. I will answer your first question because the rest is just a rant about your anti-government sentiment.  

    It would really depend on what position you had in Iraq as to whether or not you are happy with the US.  Members of the Iraqi Baath party who ruled the country, killing anyone that disagreed with them, are probably not happy that they are no longer in power.  The people that were being tortured, raped, and killed because they lived in a different region are probably grateful.  Although at this point, most are probably ready for the US troops to leave.

    EDIT:  PURPLE - If any of that were true, it might be a viable answer.  However, the vast majority of civilians have been killed by Iraqi Resistance.  The US hasn't stolen oil from Iraq and many people are upset about it.  They think the US should take billions of dollars of oil to pay for the cost of the war.  The US has been building the infrastructure in the country and has brought electricity to areas that never had it before.  And as for chaos and lawlessness, who is it that is setting the roadside bombs?  That is like blaming the police in the US for causing murders?

  7. c**p... US imperialistic b******s have invaded my country.

    -They friggin killed unestimated numbers of innocent people

    -They are turning this country into a complete wasteland with their weapons

    -They transfered all my country's wealth to some foreign b******s

    Sigh... I would do anything to get the good old sanction days of Saddam back. Way less chaos.

  8. I call it war crimes

    Pissed off is not the word

    The gov. of useless of a stick there nose in where it do not belong

    Korea ,Vietnam, Jiroshima  , South Africa .Iraq and others is example of there war crimes against humanity

    They want to force there believes on to others ,like democrazy

  9. Odd. I didn't Know that UN forces which have been INVITED to assist in providing security in the country of Iraq, by the ELECTED officials of Iraq, would be classified as Occupation forces.

    However, If I were a non-uniformed, disassociated, foreign born, drug addicted murderer, who's only desire is to kill ANYONE, I too would refer to the security forces as "Occupiers" to try getting sympathy for my illegal, immoral lifestyle.

    Regardless of the 'reason' that the dicklesstator Saddam was overthrown, and the country's government returned to "The People", The present forces are operating under the government of the people of Iraq.

    Unlike the question, this answer is not a 'paid' political response.

  10. I think terrorised would cover it.

  11. let me see, how would i feel if the US bombed my country to pieces, killed thousands of innocent men, women and children, stole all my country's wealth in the form of oil, and left me and my countrymen with ruined infrastructure, water shortages, lack of 24 hour electricity, and chaos and lawlessness in which terrorists can prosper?

    erm, id feel a bit pissed off if im honest

    EDIT - not true you say?  hmmm

    bombed my country to pieces - true

    killed thousands of innocent men, women and children - true

    stole all my country's wealth in the form of oil - true

    and left me and my countrymen with ruined infrastructure, water shortages, lack of 24 hour electricity, and chaos and lawlessness in which terrorists can prosper - true

    verdict - all true, so im confused by your claim

    maybe you should watch something other than fox 'news', then youll get to know whats happening rather than what the US govt wants you to think is happening

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