Nevermind that, if you are a U.S. citizen, how would you feel if you learned that a Congressional report has recently determined that the Bush administration repeatedly and knowingly lied in order to invade and occupy Iraq, something that was on the wish-list since the 1990's of neo-conservatives forming this administrations core "policy advisors," people who seem to favor Israel more than the USA and who seem better at sending other people's sons and daughters to kill and die than serving in wars themselves? People who have no qualms linking the Iraq invasion with 9/11 (an event which they even wished for beforehand - look up "PNAC - New Pearl Harbor" if you don't know this already).
If I were an Iraqi myself, having a world view not so warped by the happy-go-lucky "the surge is working" media, with Fox News and NBC at the forefront, I don't know what I would do...