
If you have 1 out of 10 pregnancy tests positive, are you pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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If you even have 9 NEGATIVE pregnancy tests, but 1 POSITIVE test, does this mean you're pregnant?




  1. my doc says its possible to have a false negative, but not false positive. If it said positive it picked up the pregnancy hormone. So yes to being pregnant. Congrats?

  2. yeppers..

    o get a false neg, but merely impossible to get a false pos

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  3. usually yup =)

  4. It depends. I would say probably, but there could be a false positive if you waited too long to see the results. Type in "false positive pregnancy test" on google and it will explain why this could happen.

  5. yea ur pregnant Congrats at least ur older I'm pregnant and 13 14 in 4 wks.

  6. More commons to get a false negative, than a false positive. So yep, probably.  

  7. YES most probably, you could be Pregnant

  8. you might be pregnant but you should go to a doctor to have the pregnancy confirmed first.

  9. false negatives are common.  False positives are not.

    You are most likely pregnant. If the 10th test you took was the positive one, then it means your hormone levels weren't high enough to be detected when you did the other 9.


  10. yes.  It's highly unlikely that a test would give you a false positive.  For it to read positive, the hormone HcG has to be present.  And for it to be present, you have to be pregnant.

    Good luck!

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