
If you have 3+ kids, does your hubby help?

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how do you manage? how much do you do?Im just thinking id like another child but my husband is gone all week and weekends he's not real motivated to do anything.




  1. My wife and I have 5 children and one on the way. We managed to handle every need of our children. I am a Firefighter/EMT plus work part-time for pepsi in a warehouse, my wife is a RN. We take turns cooking, cleaning, doing other househood choirs, taking care of the younger children. Our children ages are 17,16,11,10,9.  We have 3 daughters and 2 sons. We manage to get them to doctors appoints and whervere they may need to be. So good luck on your choice.  

  2. My hubby would help if we had one or 12 children! And that is because he WANTS to. He loves being with them and hates to be away.

    He works weekends,so we don't get much time together as a family with the older ones being at school, but in the week we give each other a day off which keeps us fresh and keen to get back.

    Oh, and I agree with the first answerer that the leap from 1 to 2 children is way harder than 2 to 3.

    All the best to you, I hope you can put some life into your husband.

  3. Well, I have two kids and my husband knows he has to help.  WE chose to have children so therefore it's both of our jobs to raise our kids in a clean environment.  My husband doesn't do nearly as much as I do but he sees when I'm getting overwhelmed and helps pick-up the slack.

  4. Hi,

    I have 3 children, my girls are only 11 months apart and my son is 2 years younger then my middle child.  I must say it is a lot harder moving from 1 to 2 than 2 to 3 but my 3rd was a lot easier I just knew how to handle things better and not to panic at every little thing.

    My husband works full time and is out of the house but when he's home he does loads.

    It's only a choice you can make but good luck anyway


  5. My sister's husband doesn't even change diapers- never has! They have two 9 years olds, a 4 yo and a 2 yr old. (One of the 9 yo is his from another marraige... so he goes out of state to get him- he's gone a lot too.)

    Sometimes when they have me over to babysit-- he is HOME! He just stays in his room or goes out to his shop. I don't know if he has ever been alone with his kids. Although he is a great dad... They own a lake house, two boats and lots of lake gear. Those boys are very lucky. They all go out and spend weeks at a time out at the lake. He just can't handle four argueing and fighting boys all by himself. I don't know how my sister does it!  

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