
If you have a 2 yr old child,do they still have a sleep during the day?

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if yes how long do u let them sleep for?




  1. Yes and ushually about a 45+ nap let them have there rest even when they are in pre K and Kindergraden they need there sleep thats why they have "nap time"

  2. My daughter still has a nap most days. She will sleep for about 1-3 hours at a time. That depends on how well she slept the night before

  3. yes as long as u can get them to nap do it

  4. Im a qualified nursery nurse and at the nursery I work at, in my room which is Toddlers(2-3yrs) the 2 year olds normally do have a sleep after dinner, some have 2 hours, others less, so sleeping during the day is what they prob need, to recharge their bodies ready for the afternoon and to then have lots of energy to run around etc.

  5. i have a 2yr old son.

    He goes to sleep at 6pm everynight and is up at 7the following morning, thats if he hasnt had a nap during the day.

    If he has a nap, he usually sleeps for and hour to an hour and a half, after that we wake him up as any latter he would be up till the wee hours!

    This is perfectly normal, as when they are sleeping there brains are learning and "de-briefing" what they have been doing

  6. yes they need to nap until 5....and you let them sleep until they wake up...

  7. My daugther is 3 and a half and still needs a nap during the day otherwise shes very cranky. If we have any plans to go somewhere and do something in the evenings she MUST have a nap or she will be horrible the entire time. She is normally a really well behaved child so i know when she acts up it is because shes tired and its not fair to punnish her for that. She takes naps at her school and they are usually 45 mins to an hour.

  8. Yes they do and let them wake up on there own.

  9. my daughter is two and a half and she doesnt have naps anymore

  10. My son still takes one nap a day.  Sometimes he only sleeps for 1 1/2 hours and other days he sleeps for 3 hours.  During the school year he goes to daycare.  From age 1 1/2-5 they all take one nap a day.  Hope this helps.

  11. Some babies do, some dont.

    My daughter did, from about 2pm - 3.30ish pm.

    I know my nephew didnt, if my sister Ashley let him sleep during the day, he had trouble getting to sleep at night. :)

    Hope this helps,


    [Just see what suits your child.]

  12. YES. It's normal to have a sleep during the day at this age. One of my boys had to have a sleep during the day right up until he went to primary school. All kids are different but a sleep during the day is vital to their growth and development although some kids grow out of it by about 3.Don't forget the word (Normal) varies extensivly.

  13. My child wil be 2 next week,  She takes one nap a day, between 12p and 1p she goes down and gets up normally between 2 and 3 pm,   sometimes longer sometimes shorter.  If she does not get a nap then she is a bear and nothing helps her or is good enuf for her.  She sleep all night, and will tell me when it is time for bed, normally between 8:45 and 9 pm.  We usually don't let her stay up past 9.  and she will get up by 8:30 in the  morning

  14. I make all three of my kids lay down for a bit after lunch. The younger two (4 years and 15 mos) sleep for about two hours, and their big brother (almost 6) plays very quietly by himself once the other two fall asleep.

  15. My 2 and  1/2 year old sleeps about an hour to an hour and a half  in the afternoon. My other son use to take a nap up until the age of 5. My daughter stopped at 3.

  16. Some do some don't. My nephew quit taking naps at age 2 (he thought he might miss something fun and interesting if he slept through it) LOL! His sister is 4 and she still likes her afternoon nap. I wouldn't let them sleep for more than an hour or two otherwise they might be up all night.

  17. my 2 year old daughter still has a nap during the day. she gets up at 8.30am and goes for her nap at 1pm after her dinner, this is part of her daily routine. she gets a cup of milk after dinner and knows that it is nap time, i then put her to bed and she sleeps for 1 to 2 hours. Try to keep nap time at the same time each day

  18. My daughter is 3 and shes still has a hrs sleep about 2.30pm.

    She goes bed for 7.30  and gets up at 7.30.

    Think all children are different as my friends son only has about 10hrs through the night and doesnt sleep through the day.

  19. My kids are not quite two and they usually have a nap in the afternoon, I generally don't let them sleep longer than 2 hours during the day.  They usually wake up before then, but once in a while I have to wake them.

  20. my cousin is 2 and we babysit him allllll the time.

    and he doesn't sleep during the day.

  21. yes about an hour

  22. yes a 2 yr old should still b hving naps becuz their still growing and they need their sleep but only let him sleep for an hr as its only a nap not bedtime..

  23. some little children like to sleep during the day, just for a few hours or so. dont let them sleep too long tho. otherwise they might not go to bed at night.

  24. Usually forced to nap for aslong as they do. At first they argue and complain and whine but after a while they just fall asleep. Naps should continue up to the age of 4/5.

  25. Matt often has one at lunchtime - if he gets up early or has had a late night. Only about an hour though!

  26. Yes my son sleeps for an hour,  sometimes more and sometimes less.

    Every child is different but sleeping is good for them as it gives their little brains and bodies a chance to rest and grow.

  27. my 2 year old sleeps around 12pm until sometimes 3-4pm mainly 2 hrs minimum and i let him. he still goes to bed at 7pm if hes tired let him sleep xx

  28. Yes a 1-2 hour nap  during the is fine for a two year old

  29. I have a two year old grandson, nap time is also known as sanity time. As long as he wants!

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