
If you have a BA in history can you get a Masters in Anthropology?

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If you have a BA in history can you get a Masters in Anthropology?




  1. Yes, of course you can.

  2. Of course you can. Try a general anthropology program, and you will likely have to take some undergrad anthro classes. But yes of course!

  3. Sure - but they may make you take a few undergraduate courses to catch up.  no sweat.

  4. no you don't, but you may have to take some core undergraduate anthropology courses for non-credit before you enter the program.

  5. It would depend on the program; you'll be behind in basic knowledge, but its doable to cross.

    Had a few people with Degrees in BIO getting MAs in Classics when I was getting mine.  (this was at Florida State)

  6. It doesn't matter what you have a BA in. You can get a Masters in anything as long as you have a BA.

  7. You need undergraduate Anthropology coursework.  Here is an example of the prerequisites needed per course in a Masters in Anthropology program:

    Here is another site with an entire Graduate program prerequisite catalog to download:

  8. Apply to some different programs and convince them that you are motivated to learn Anthropology and you can get it.  I recommend applying to Taught Masters programs, like in the UK, if you haven't had any anthropology.  The point of such programs is to teach the theories and theorists to people without such background.  I really like to see students from different backgrounds.  Anthropology can't be an island.  We have to keep in touch with what's happening in other fields and we need to bring people with varied interests in.

  9. I majored in Cultural Anthro & wanted to pursue a career in the field.  I was told by the dept. that I had to have a certain amount of credits in order to enter the Masters program. As I recall there are three branches of anthro; cultural, physical & linguistics & I had to be fluent in a foreign language.

    If you majored in history, you most likely will have to add to your credits.  Why don't you ask the Antho Dept. what their expectations are of you & what classes would you have to make up in order to enter a Masters program? I ended up going into Social Work, but my first love has always been Anthropology.  Good Luck.

    Phyllis G.

  10. I don't think so!!! YOu would have to do the entire anthropology thing!!!

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