
If you have a Commercial License, do you still need to have Private License for you to fly your private plane?

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If you have a Commercial License, do you still need to have Private License for you to fly your private plane?




  1. No, assuming the category and class are the same. A commercial certificate includes all the privileges of a private. An ATP includes all the privileges of a commercial.

    One can imagine situations where a difference in class would make you need both licenses. For example, say you have a commercial license for airplane, multi-engine, land and airplane, single-engine land. That wouldn't allow you to fly a seaplane. If you have no interest in flying seaplanes commercially, you might get a private pilot's license for the seaplane class. You would need that license to fly a seaplane.

    With the exception of a student's pilot certificate, all certificates are category and class-specific. This includes additional ratings. So if you get an instrument rating in a seaplane, it won't let you fly helicopters IFR even if you have a helicopter certificate.

    (Oddly, if you have a non-student certificate in any category and class, you cannot get a student certificate. So if you have a private pilot's license for free balloons, you cannot fly a helicopter as a student pilot. You have to follow the 'additional ratings' rules rather than the 'student' rules.)

    Another interesting rule, you only need the medical certificate appropriate for the type of flying you're doing, not the type of certificate you have. So if you have a first class medical and an ATP certificate, and your first class medical expired last week, you can still exercise the privileges of a private pilot. A private pilot does not need a first class medical, and a third class medical doesn't expire as quickly as a first class. (When you get a first class medical, it's as if you got a first, second, and third class all at the same time. The first class expired, but the second and third are still valid! This causes amusing incidents with insurance companies that sometimes complain that you flew with an expired medical.)

  2. No. you usaully get a SPL to progress to CPL.

    Some times you only want a PPL for private or hobby flying. When you choose to go commercial you acquire a CPL. The highest licence remains valid.

  3. yes

  4. A commercial license includes all requirements for a private license.  You can step down in category without testing, but you cannot step u.

  5. Carrying a much higher rating, the Commercial Licence allows you not only to fly your own private plane but other aircraft commercially as well.

  6. yes i do

    i had a private license first.

  7. Dont u get private liscense before u get a commericial

  8. No.  Commercial supersedes Private; it simply adds to the things you can do.

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