
If you have a blackberry, do you HAVE to get internet.. or can you get the phone with out internet.?

by  |  earlier

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Can you get the Blackberry Pearl without internet, email, etc.




  1. you can but what the point your gonna pay 20 bucks for unlimited text but if you get the data plan for the blackberry then you get unlimited text and unlimited internet use so why not get it i will tell you this the phone will not function properly at some point if you dont get the plan ive seen several people come in my store as well as on here who have tried to do what u r trying and in the end they get the package cuz the phone isnt good without it

  2. I have T-Mobile, and the Blackberry/Internet service is an optional $19.99 add-on

  3. you don't have to because i have a blackberry pearl and i don't have the internet plan...but i have t-mobile

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