
If you have a chance to change your citizenship for 1 year, which SEA country would you choose?

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SEA = South East Asia

Please select from the list:



East Timor









and why..




  1. brunai - reason

       1) same language and culture

       2) maybe a litle bit boring..but relax and peace (makcik dah tak larat nak hangky pengky)

       3) my relative there

       4) hopefully i can get allowence like brunai people ( so i kerja gaji kurang sikit pun tak pa)

       5) no problem at all for halal food ...

       6) so far brunai is peace place...less criminal and no war/gaduh gaduh

  2. I want to go to Cambodia 6 months, Myanmar 3 months, Thai 3 months. Can arr..?

    Cambodia/ Myanmar - I saw their faces on tv and they look just like the dusun kdazan people, who knows i might have relatives there. Some of their traditional dress also similar.

    Thai - I want to travel across the country, check on the strip clubs (hehehe...) and reside at the north side (yes... trying to avoid the south) learning their language.

  3. Singapore becoz i have lot of friends there ... Singapore becoz i can practice there ... Singapore becoz i can easily find awek there ... Singapore becoz i can drink Newater  ... Singapore becoz i like singa ... Singapore becoz ... i can cross the road without fear ... singapore ... becoz ... i am Ipoh mali ...  

  4. Singapore.

    I like my worldly comforts and civilisation. May be regimented, but I get my shopping, food, security, reliable public transportation, medical, first class education for my kids.  

  5. Brunei

  6. all!!!

    Brunei=i want to feel living in luxury

    Cambodia=hwo to live with fear

    East Timor=maybe i will become the president..

    Indonesia=cewek hot!!

    Laos=kesian the people

    Myanmar=now, how come they won the sea games?

    Philippines=why they like to come to sabah illegaly

    Singapore=i want to go to lee kuan yew house

    Thailand=aiyoo... how did the pondan live there

    Vietnam=how many Ngu Yen there?

  7. malaysia always in my heart..

    brunei..i heard their people got many allowances?so rich.......

  8. None..i like to stick in being a Malaysian only..

    negaraku..tanah tumpah nya darah ku.....

    rakyat idup...bersatu dan majuuuuuu...

    rahmat bahagia, tuhan kurniakannnnnn....

    Raja kita selamat..bertakhtaaaaaaaaa...

    lol...patriotik la pulak...but if given a chance, aku taknak jadi citizen of SEA countries nih..payah tuuhh..baik aku gi BRITISH..sume celah aku bleh masuk...priviledge dia ganas tuh..

  9. Vietnam. Love it there many place to vist, good food and thing are cheap

  10. THAI.

    1. want to learn how to make tom yum

    2. want to see the pondan

    3. want to ask pondan why they are so cantik?? kalah teruk aku..keji a gini~

    4. want to learn how to leperkn perut from the pondan

    5. want to survey a clinic where i can ask gindy to do the transgender thingy..

    6. awek hot! i lykeee~ --> my l***o mode. forgip me..sobs~

  11. singapore just for a year not more.

  12. ...oredy for the past 15 years...i spent 1/2 my life kat JB....

  13. Hard to decide. But definitely not Singapore or Brunei.

    Duitku jadi kecik, tak syiok!

    Aku mahu jadi kaya..kaya..kayaaaaa!!!!

    Indon kot. Senang cari makanan halal.

    (aku tahu makan ajer)

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