
If you have a child and your husband has a a good job, should you work two?

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If you have a child and your husband has a a good job, should you work two?




  1. That depends on how much he makes and your goals as business partners. A marriage from a legal point of view is a business partnership. An owe 65,000 on your home. You want it paid off so there will more available cash to enjoy life with. Obviously if you worked as well and put half of your money on the house payment that will shorten that debt rather quickly. My sister was a stay home mom because he wanted her to. After the kids started high school she went back to work for 6 years. Guess what..they paid their home off 6 years before they expected and saved about 7 grand in interest. After the house was paid off she quit.  

  2. This is very much a matter for individual couples to decide, if you do not need the money that your income would bring, why should you feel the need to work. If you feel that you need a break from the home, and your husband is available to look after things then fine.The main criteria is to ensure that your child does not suffer in any way through your absence at home.

  3. It's your choice

  4. that is something that you and your husband should decide on together.  

  5. Not if you don't want to.

    Most people who get pregnant [especially with their first] decide not to work and want to stay home with the child while it's growing.

    I personally would rather work.

  6. If you don't want to and you don't have to, then don't.

    If you want to but don't have to, then do!

    It's as simple as that. I personally found I needed the structure of an out-of-the-home job, and my family is doing great. The extra money helps!

  7. If your husband makes enough to support his family then no i don't think you should have to work...that is if he agrees to it I personally would want to stay home at least for the first couple of years of the childs life.

  8. If your husband makes enough money to cover your bills and make it comfortable for you and your family to live I personally would recommend staying home with your children.

    If your children are not yet in school it's almost a wash for you to work and have them in daycare, you might as well stay home and raise your children and be a big part of their lives.

    Once they go to school you can take up a part time job in the school as a teacher's aide or in the cafeteria, that way you can take them to school and take them home and you know you won't be working when they are home.

    Hope this helps!!

  9. yeah partime.

  10. It's your decision to work or not if you dont' need to do so financially.  Personally, I would rather work then stay home.

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