
If you have a drug test......?

by  |  earlier

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does it show up if you had a drink with 5% alcohol?




  1. Nope you are safe.

  2. no it only shows up if you take narcotic drugs

  3. No, you should be alright :-)

  4. yes, it will show up. alcohol enters your blood stream almost immediately and can sometimes take up to 4 days to get rid of from your system, depending how much you had. you shouldn't get into any trouble, though. if you only had one drink, that is. i you've had over the legal driving limit, then they may contact your parents. but overall, as long as you're sober, you're fine.

  5. not unless you drink plenty of water

  6. Haha, no:)

    You're good!

  7. Only if it is within a couple hours. Alcohaul stays in your system one hour per one ounce. That is a urine test I dont know about the blood. But I can definately tell you about a urine screen. Good luck hope this helps. Oh p.s. one ounce is like one beer= 2 hours to be safe. Once in system only stays for one hour.

  8. If your having a drug test, then it would only apply to the illegal drugs. Alcohol wouldn't be considered since it is legal. No worries.

  9. If you had 1 drink with 5% alcohol it probably wouldn't be in your system by the time you had the test anyway unless it was right before or something. Normally though they test for drugs only, not alcohol.  

  10. no

  11. nope it picks up 9% and you still wont get introubble  

  12. No. They're testing for illegal drugs, not alcohol.


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