
If you have a dwarf rabbit does it make it a dutch rabbit?

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If you have a dwarf rabbit does it make it a dutch rabbit?




  1. No...

    The Dutch rabbit, easily identifiable by its characteristic colour pattern, was once the most popular of all rabbit breeds. However, after dwarf rabbits were developed, the popularity of the Dutch rabbit dwindled. Nevertheless, the Dutch rabbit remains one of the top ten most popular breeds worldwide.

    The American Rabbit Breeders Association standard calls for a small to medium rabbit weighing between 3.5 and 5.5 lbs, with 4.5 being the ideal weight for rabbits over 6 months of age. Dutch are to have a compact, well-rounded body; rounded head; short, stocky, well-furred ears; and short, glossy "flyback" fur. Six colors (in conjunction with white) are recognized for show:

    Black, a dense, glossy black

    Blue, a medium blue-gray

    Chocolate, a rich chocolate brown

    Gray, (UK: Brown Gray) an Agouti color similar to that of the American cottontail, with bands of color on the hairshaft which produce a ring effect when blown into

    Steel, (UK: Steel Gray) a black color with off-white tips to the hairshaft

    Tortoise, (UK: Tortoiseshell) a bright, clean orange with slate blue shadings along the ears, whisker beds and hindquarters.

    Dwarf rabbits are a variety of domestic European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Dwarf rabbits are much smaller than European rabbits, but are capable of interbreeding with them, so are not recognized as a separate species.

    Dwarf rabbits were originally bred as pets in The Netherlands. Dwarf rabbits generally have the same behavioral traits as other domestic rabbits, though the smaller dwarf rabbits can be more skittish and quick to exhibit aggressive behavior, as their small size can cause them to feel more threatened than a standard size rabbit. They also tend to be more energetic and "high-strung".

  2. if you have a pony does it make it a heifer?

  3. No unless you breed it with a dutch rabbit then the babies will be part dutch

  4. No. Dwarf and dutch are diffrent breeds. The dutch is small, but diffrent some a dwarf.  

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