
If you have a family member that has a nut allergy...?

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If you have a family member who has a nut allergy could you please answer these question. They are kinda based around celebration cakes. These question are aimed more to parents who have children with a nut allergy, but if its ur partner that's fine.


1. Does the whole family have to eat nut - free food or do you cater for both needs? (nut - free & normal)

2. Is it expensive & time consuming to buy food for a nut allergy suffer?

3. Do you buy a nut - free celebration cake from a supermarket or do you get it made?

4. Do other family members find it a pain that they have to be careful with what they eat & handle?

5. Do other family members like the taste of a nut - free celebration cake? (when it's the birthday)

Thnx, just write the question number & then the answer.

Where I have written 'other family members' (e.g qu 5) it does include yourself

& could you please state weather this refers to a child or partner or another family member.




  1. My little sister is deathly allergic to all treen nuts and carrebean oil and sunflower seeds.

    1. No our whole family doesn't eat tree nut free food.. we are very very careful however about what we have in the house.. but my sister always asks us to check the ingredients and she always asks at school or at a friends house for them to check.

    2. Its not really more expensive but it is time comsuming to always have to read the ingredients on every single food item, even as simple as cearel and ice cream have nut oils that could kill her.

    3. We never ever buy cakes from stores or bakerys because those cakes while they might not have nuts, might have nut oils or be made around other cakes that might have nuts. My mom always make her a cake.. and when its another kids birthday as school or at a birthday party my mom always packs my sister a special treat like a cupcake that she can have with the other kids.

    4. Its not a pain at all... we love her and don't want anything to happen to her. Shes even allergic to some soaps cuz of the oils so we just carry hand sanatizer since she cant wash her hands in public restrooms and either can we since we still hold her hand in public.. even lotions.. and she knows that is she sees us putting on lotion or something to ask.. but she usually says don't touch me now sissy..or mommy or whoever.

    5. My family isn't really a big nut eating family so its not really a huge issue. Nut free cakes taste just as good if not better. If we want something with nuts we usually get it out at a restraunt or something so we don't have to bring it into the house.

    My sister is 6 - we found out when she was 2 when my mom gave her a peice of a cashew no bigger then her pinky finger nail and she threw up instantly and couldn't breathe. Im 20.. just in case you wanted to know that too. Good luck. :)

  2. 1. well no, i think that you should eat foods with nuts and leave them out for the person with the allergy, but it would make the person feel better if the whole family ate nut-free food, maybe a couple bucks more, but its worth it!!!

    3. well for a better quality, get it made for you, sure they have one at the supermarket, but make it special!!

    4.well sure, but you just try to make the person feel that they are just like everyone else, but sure, you want to be careful so they dont get sick

    5.well it probably tastes like a regular cake, ive had cake thats made just of chocolate and gluten free products, it tasted really good so its probab;y good.

    i have a good friend thats allergic, so i have to be careful!!

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