
If you have a fobbish accent, can you still win a debate tournament?

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If you have a fobbish accent, can you still win a debate tournament?




  1. To be honest, they might not quite focus as much on your argument, instead all they'll hear is your accent.

    But really there is nothing you can do about it...

    Just be confident.

  2. If you were really brilliant otherwise, you probably could.

  3. yes u can. it doesnt prohibit u from a tournament if u have fobbish accent. go! go!

  4. h**l yeah, I myself have a fobbish accent like you, and yet I have just won the last debate tournament for my school. This  simply proves that the judges care about your arguments and evidence and the way of how you make a connection to your audiences more than your accent. Good luck, and be confident.....may the force be with you.

  5. yeah

  6. yes as long as you know what your talking about. audiences might not pay as much attention but the judges should try.

  7. Sure!

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