
If you have a fortune cookie and you tell someone the fortune u got dose it not come true?

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My friend and I had Chinese food and we had a fortune cookie and I want to now her fortune will it not come true if she tells me?!




  1. Fortune cookies are mass produced and are just for entertainment purposes.  In other words, they don't mean a thing.

  2. its not really your "fortune" cause its just a cookie that has a piece of paper with a sentence that someone made up when they were half wont come true no matter what.

  3. They don't come true either way... it's just a random fortune that means nothing.

    I like reading them just for giggles.. but there's only one time that one did "get to me"

    My father used to joke, EVERY time we ate chinese, that one of these days he'd get a fortune saying "Help! I'm being held prisoner in a chinese fortune cookie factory"  LOL.. don't know why.. it was his wacky sense of humor.. but EVERY time we ate chinese he'd say that, just wait, one day he'd get a fortune cookie with that message in it.

    A few months after his death, I was at a chinese restaurant with some friends.. and one of them got a fortune that said "Help! I"m being held captive in a Chinese bakery."  I asked if I could keep that fortune.. Kept it in my wallet for a couple years until eventually losing it (Probably after taking it out of my wallet to show someone)..

  4. Lol those things came out of San francisco. So yes, it doesn't come true, because it isn't a real read into your fortunes. And no LOL, its not part of chinese tradition. It was A SF Baker who started making them as a marketing ploy.

  5. basically fortune cookies are  a loadd of p**p , they dont come truee

    they just do it for fun, and its part of a chinese tradition  

  6. Well I told someone it did not come true, I did not tell no one and still did not come true so I am pretty sure they are just for entertainment.

  7. No most likely it won't and in some cases it's just pure coincidence that's all. They are made more for entertainment rather then real fortune tellers but there fun and good.

  8. Fortunes from fortune cookies are best when told to a friend.

    I can't believe all of the cynical answers from people.

    My fortunes that have come true...

    You will travel to many exotic places.

    You have a winning personality.

    A friend will give you a call.

    You make friends easily.

    Your magnetic personality will draw people towards you.

    There are many more!

    So I say be pround of your fortune and tell your friend your fortune.

    To the cynics :-P

  9. yes it all goes back to ancient times when they didnt have paper so when u opened a cookie (they looked like lumps then) there would either be a red rock which means good luck or a black rock which means the eldest son would die soon

    'im just making all that up fortune cookies were invented in the US  

  10. It's probably not true. I barely even get fortune cookies that actually predict something, they usually just say "You are very persistant and have a sociable personality" or some random c**p lol

    I believe that if you tell someone your birthday wish or a wish you make on a wishing star, then it won't come true =)

  11. Come on, is this a serious question?  A fortune in a fortune cookie is no more accurate in predicting the future than a magic 8-ball or a horoscope.  Bet you believe in those too, don't you?

  12. Messages from "Fortune cookies" are purely for amusement sweetie; don't take it as gospel. I think it's an American-Chinese creation to spice up conversation after dinner.  

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