
If you have a friend who is going to to the same college u are, can you two be roomates at the dorms?

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Is there some sort of request u can make so u two can be roomies? Or, does the university just pair u up with some random person and u have no say so? I'm just wondering because next year my cousin and her best friend are leaving to attend the U. of Utah and they want to be roomies.




  1. Usually you can, yes. If you have a specific roommate you want, you can request to be roommates. There is no guarantee that you will end up being roommates, but the university really will try to put you together.

    I only remember one time when two people requested to be roommates and they weren't put in the same room. In that case, the university put them both on the same hall, so at least they were near each other. But every other person I've known who requested a specific roommate, got that roommate.  

  2. Yes, many universities allow you to request a roomate. If you dont request one then you will be randomly selected to stay with someone.  

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