
If you have a full time job and do occasional work i.e. adhoc babysitting / cleaning cars - tax implications?

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does anybody know if cleaning cars / babysitting cash in hand jobs you should be declaring to the tax man! Obviously most people don't but should you?




  1. Yes, it is a crime not to report ALL income.  Just because most people don't doesn't mean it is ok or legal.  Not reporting income is called tax evasion and it is serious.   However unless you are talking big sums of money I don't think you would ever be prosecuted, even if discovered, you have to weight the likelihood of this being discovered.  Are you paid in cash?  If so never put it in the bank and never pay something with it that you would normally pay with a check.  This is how it would be discovered.

  2. Yes you should declare all income

  3. You shouldn't declare money you make from hand jobs to the government.

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