
If you have a ghost, do the kitchen cabinets fly open4no apparent reason?doors slam by themselvesN ur home?

by  |  earlier

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  1. If the haunting appears to have a violent nature behind it, I would say you have a poltergeist.

    Poltergeist seem to be attracted to negative energy.

    So if you have a hormonal teenager that's always angry, depressed, and lashing out at the world, their energy may be the culprit behind your haunting.

    Same thing with if you are in a tense relationship with someone in your home, where everyone is always arguing or walking on eggshells.

    I would say that too would be a reason for the activity.

    I would suggest that you re-decorate your home in feng shui. If anything, it will resonate a more harmonious feeling in the home.

    And since spring time is right around the corner, it's an opportunity to open windows and allow fresh air into the home.

  2. poltergeists usually make alot of noise like that, ghosts usually are much quieter and just appear

  3. sounds like the ghost is hungry leave some food out for them when you go to sleep

  4. They can do that, yes...that poltergeist activity. that's basically a mischevious spirit. They either really want you to know they're there, or more likely, are toying with you. I used to have a little girl here who would take things, she'd bang on the walls, would go into my son's room and pick up the computer mouse and drop it repeatedly.... I told her if she didn't behave, she'd have to leave, so when she didn't listen, I told her to leave. I told her, "Go in peace, but go you must." She's not here anymore.

    if this happens to you, burn candles, white ones (pure white, not vanilla white) and burn some frankincense (frankincense and myrrh is okay too), and go through each room saying that only those that exist in light and love may stay, but all else MUST leave. Tell them to go into the light, that they cannot stay in your home. Do it quietly (don't get angry) but firmly. It's YOUR house.

    peace to you.

  5. There is a ghost in my sons room.  His drawers open and close on and off all night.  I have tried to catch this on video. But when I leave the camera pointed at the drawers, his desk drawers and cabinet doors slam open and shut.  I have caught

    voices on these tapes when nobody except me is up, and no radio or TV is on in the house.  My neighbors are too far away from me for the voices to belong to them.

    So the answer to your question is yes.  

    He won't sleep in his room anymore, and I am not going to make him.

  6. Yeah, it's a poltergeist.  Noisy little buggers aren't they.  Has he tried the heavy breathing in your ear yet, that always fun, for him- not you.  They are the jokers of the ghost world, having fun trying to scare people.  Or he may just be trying to get you to notice him.  Just tell him to knock it off and save it for you next party,  your guest will love it!

  7. Are you saying that these things are happening to you? Or ..are you asking what the signs of a ghost are?  The things you're describing sound like a poltergeist.  I think there are a lot of ways that ghosts and spirits can communicate. ..not just these ways. But, it might be someone who recently died who is trying to get your attention and tell you that they're there. Anything else happening?

  8. sometimes but always at night

  9. Not always. I lived in a home that was haunted, the most that happened physically was we all had our pillows yanked out from under our heads on different occasions. Mostly it is what we heard. I did see a cloud like thing float very slowly once. And then heard my dog who had been dead for about a year, he also pulled the bedspread down as he laid on it like he used to always do when he was alive.

    Where I live now, which was my brothers home until he died. I saw a shadow of a man standing in my bedroom doorway. It stood there looking at me for what seemed like several minutes before turning and seemingly going into the bathroom, I checked, but no one was in my home but me and my dog, and he was in the living room, standing up on the couch looking at the school children outside.

    I took a picture of my son and his g/f and when my other son blew it up to look at the pixels, we saw my father standing in the hallway dressed in the same clothes we buried him in. You could see right through him. It only showed up on my pc though, but then I had the best components in my pc at the time than my sons had in theirs. In the picture my fathers arms and hands were down at his sides, where we all know people are in their caskets with their arms folded across their stomachs. I was taking the picture, and you can tell he was looking right at me.

  10. Just because the cabinets open  and doors slam on their own does NOT mean you have a poltergist! Has anything else ever happen besides those two things?

  11. This can be one type of haunting / poltergeist yes.

    My partner had a grumpy ghost in her house. It lived in a small upstairs wardrobe, but used to bang the kitchen cupboards at night. The wardrobe had many layers of wallpaper in there - and various peoples attempts to get rid of them had just given up. Things started happening when that space was disturbed.

  12. sounds like a poltergeist

  13. Sometimes it can be due to an open window that carries in a draft, which can lead to doors being shut (with volatile force). As for the open cabinets, could be loose hinges that allow it swing open freely, or it could just be someone in the house that left it open.

    As for the supernatural, well then, if ghosts are really behind this then does there truly have to be an explanation?

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