
If you have a ground source heatpump (geothermal) in your house does that make you feel green if nobody knows?

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I read an article on going green that stated people go green for the simple reason that they want to show others that they help the environment. The article said that prius owners can show off to others that they are green. But that hybrid SUV''s and other fuel saving vehicles do not have that same green image so people are not buying them as much even though they may be better for the environment. Opinions?




  1. People buy hybrids thinking they are saving money. The sad truth is that between a higher price and normal depreciation, there is little saved in the bargain.

    Geothermal however if a different ballgame. While being a significant additional over a conventional investment for your home or business, the payoff starts at day one in an actual realized 40-70% energy savings, and the break even point is just a few years away, and it just keeps saving you money during it's usable lifecycle.

  2. southpark had a good show about buying hybrid cars,and how it messed with peoples,system is truly green,your heat pump uses refrigerant,that created waste when it was produced,and will pollute when it leaks out and it uses lubricants from crude oil,lots of slick ducks and otters as a result,and the electricity to get it moving,burning coal,or producing nuclear waste.....not to mention toxic alloys in the metals and paints...there are none green ,no ,not one.........tom

  3. you're kidding.

    aren't you?

    frankly, i'd look at the money that'd still be in my wallet, and be really happy.  interesting that that wouldn't occur to you.

    <<other fuel saving vehicles do not have that same green image so people are not buying them as much even though they may be better for the environment. Opinions?>>

    no.  Prius is the best, by a wide margin.

    well.... there is smart car.  lordy it's ugly.  however, i don't think i'd feel real comfortable in it on the freeway.  maybe when it's time to buy a car, we'll see.

  4. The only time I "feel" green is when i am seasick! I recycle, use microfiber cloths: seen on; that is a marvelous invention that has 200,000 per sq  inch grabbing cleaning dots; made to work only with water; they are super fantastic & clean really well. I save a ton on taking public transportation; save myself tons of frustration of having to sit thru 4 red lights to get 2 blocks when the bus driver gets me home faster than I can! YES! Then I am in a good mood, have talked with other lovely folks & work etc is behind me! Who sees me? Who knows? You do now! So i think it's fantastic that you have this in your home! Forget about status; who cares? And as long as the car runs well, no one cares anyway! YOU are the important factor here: NOT your car!

  5. I would feel green, yes.  But most definitely some people do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

    Everyone I know that bought a Prius or hybrid did it for the right reason, but they are proud of it and don't mind showing it off, especially here in SoCal where you get a special sticker that allows you to drive in the carpool lane, alone.  That's a badge they wear proudly on their bumpers!

  6. Hybrid SUV's better for the environment?   Than what???    You're asking about the difference between those who are changing their ways to be trendy and those who actually care.   I don't give a rats rear what people think of me, I'll do what I feel is right.

  7. If you are talking about going green here just for the sake of public perception, that is one thing. But I do believe that a person can take some personal pride in knowing they are doing a good thing for the world and their own family by following green practices.

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