
If you have a guinea pig walking around in your home will dogs and cats try to do anything to it?

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because i have 2 dogs and 2 cats and i want to let the guinea pig walk around.




  1. Ok I really wouldn't recommend it- even if you have placid dogs and cats it can be in their instinct depending on breeds to pounce on something small and quick. We let our guinea pig run around when the dog is out- but if you can't guarantee it then you will be best investing in an enclosed indoor run.

  2. Under your watchful eyes, yes. First though, you should bond the animals. get a friend to help you with this. Put all your cats and dogs on leashes, and make them sit down in a small-ish room. Bring in the pig in your arms,and put it on the ground, and let your friend help restrain your animals.if the pig goes up and sniffs the dogs and cats, then see what the dogs adn cats reactions are. slowly let the dogs and cats loose, and if your pig is frightened or runs away, pick it up and take it this every day for a while, or until they are used to eachoter. Then, only let them together while you are watching them, because animals oftem make unexpected moves.

  3. most dogs and cats will mess with it...I dont recomend puting them in reach of eachother but it depends on the dog or cat. Most cats will be agressive with rodents dogs depending will mostly just paw and bark

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