
If you have a kid in school, you can answer this....quick question?

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I'm teaching 2nd grade at a new school this year and am trying to make my classroom and students a little more organized than they've been in the past. I find that when I send the supply list out in Aug, I have kids come in Sept with everything and some that come in with nothing.

Rather than sending out a list this year, I was thinking of asking each parent to give me $10 per student and I would order notebooks, binders, pens, pencils, erasers etc in bulk and divide up all the supplies evenly amoung the students. All the parents would have to get is coloring supplies and folders.

As a parent, do you think this would be easier? Or would you rather just buy everything yourself?




  1. I think you have a good idea. Not knowing some ppls. finacial situation, they may not be able to buy everything, so I personally would find giving you the money to buy what you know they would need a big help.

  2. As a parent of three kids I would be THRILLED if this offer came my way.  It would be easier for me as a parent, and would ensure that the kids got the correct notebooks, etc.  

    That said - don't be surprised if at least one parent nixes the idea.  I find in my son's class, there is always one parent in the group that has to be difficult, lol!  They'll complain they can get all those supplies for less or something like that (I don't see how, but you know what I mean).

    Good luck!!

  3. I have 2 kids entering the 2nd grade this year and I say it would be alot easier to pay you the $10...but at the school my kids attend even that could be a struggle for some parents to come up with (as we have a school supply help stop kind of like a food bank but it is school supplys only) so keep in mind what would you do if all the parents couldnt come up with the $10...

  4. I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to hand you the $10 and be done with it! Wish my kids school did that rather than giving me a stupid list. They all come in with the same notebooks and binders anyway (which is why stuff is always sold out), so who cares. My younger two do though like picking out folders, so thats the only thing I would suggest not buying in bulk.

    If anything, make it an option. "You can give me $10 or the supply list is the following:...."

  5. buy it myself

  6. I would make it a choice.  Send the list and if the parents dont want or have time then they can send you $10 and you can order for them.  You may still have a few stragglers, but I bet if you gave a choice that would be beneficial for busy working parents.

  7. Personally I would be just fine with paying $10 and everything is taken care of. In our school system they did a new thing last year where all school supplies was supplied by the school and it was such a blessing to not have to deal with this.

    I do think this is a great idea, but I would suggest giving the option to the parents. You could send home a newsletter and explain they have the choice for you purchase school supplies and would need to send in $10 by such and such date, or they can choose to purchase supplies, but they will need the supplies in school by such and such date and emphasize that this is a matter of importance to have the proper supplies for a nurturing, productive learning environment. Then if you do not receive the $10 by the date you have requested, then I would assume those parents are planning to purchase their own school supplies.

    There is a little more work involved in this route, but it will satisfy everyone involved.

  8. I'd prefer to buy it myself.  Additionally, they may think that because you can get a teachers discount that you're trying to "earn" money off of them.

    Good luck for this upcoming year!!

  9. I would rather buy it myself. I don't want my kid's stuff to be identical to everyone Else's... she should be able to pick out things that she likes and that make her unique. That, and maybe some parents don't have $10 and are receiving free supplies from other sources like United Way.

    Edit: I was thinking about this some more. What if the kids run out of pencils mid-year. I bet some parents would be expecting you to replace them for free since they paid you for school supplies.

  10. That's a great idea! Wish my sons' school did that. Taking my 4 to buy school supplies with their 4 different lists...who need a 3 subject, who can't a binder, who needs this kind of glue and these kinds of pens...DRIVES ME NUTS! I'd be more than happy to send the teacher or school money to get what my kids need and pay for things myself as things break or run out.

    While my boys could honestly care less whether their folder/notebook has batman or is just a solid color, I'm sure other kids, especially girls, would care. I would make it an option. Offer the $10 deal for the "sane" Mommies lol if the others want to get their kids their own stuff, they can do so. I also love mgnavado's idea with the "Design Day".

    Good thinking!

  11. At my grand daughters school that's already an option. We have done it both ways. Normally we buy her stuff together but last year couldn't find a couple of things.

    Her class had the sample bag set up so parents could see what they were paying for.  Just offer the service and let the parents decide. We appreciated the option

  12. Buy it myself, could get all that under 10 bucks..

  13. I prefer to buy it myself, but then again 10 dollars is much cheaper than what we had to buy.  Our son's school has a list on the website of school supplies.  Included were:

    (this is first grade)

    2 composition notebooks, 1 3 ring binder,

    18 glue sticks, 2 bottles of 4oz elmers school glue, 1 10 pack of crayola washable classic tip markers, 1 pack of 24 count crayola colored pencils, 1 pair of fiskars kids scissors, 1 pack of crayola 24 count crayons, 1 ruler, 2 folders, 10 sharpened plain #2 pencils, a bookbag, a lunchbox, 2 boxes of tissues, 2 rolls of paper towels, 1 package of 5oz disposable cups.  Aside from the backpack and lunchbox, these items cost 40 dollars.

  14. Sweet idea!  I love it.  

    The only drawback that I can see is the kids wanting their own special things - with pokemon, princesses, kittens or whatever else they adore on them.  

    How about buying the basics, but having a 'decorate your supplies' day/project - where they each bring in stickers & pictures from home (you can supply a few magazines for kids to cut out pics from, too), to decorate their folders & pencil boxes.

    Your school's PTO may be willing to supply some money to help you pay for the kids whose parents don't send in their share, too.

  15. Handing the teacher $10 would have made my life A LOT easier! My girls only cared about what cartoon character or what singer was on their folder. Notebooks, pencils etc...they could have cared less about.

  16. In my own opinion I would rather buy everything by myself because then I can get what the kids like and feel happy myself knowing they will do good in school. They always do better I think when they feel important because they got to pick out their own supplies. I think that you sending out the list is your best idea and if the parents dont get the supplies needed send a note home with the kids or email them telling them what supplies they still need because I am not sure that 10 will even be enough because supplies cost more and more every year!

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