
If you have a learning disability are you speacil ed?

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I. Have it but I look normal here ma URL

Ok I need more info the bord of education getting on ma nervez




  1. what is ur problem or  condition.

    I look normal but I know I'm crazy

    HA HA

  2. Well, it depends. Not everybody with a learning disability is eligible for Special Education. In the US, you would only qualify if a team of people (your parents, teachers, counselors, folks who gave you some tests, and maybe the principal) agreed that you needed specially designed instruction.

    Every year, many kids with learning disabilities get to the point where they are doing well enough in school that they do not need special education any more.

    At some point before you turn 16, the school will probably start inviting you to the meetings where these decisions are made. When you get to be 18, it's not your parent's signature the school needs at these meetings anymore. You're the one who will be making decisions about your education.

    Ask your parents and teachers if you can start going to these meetings now, so you'll know what they're talking about by the time you get to be 18!

  3. most people in special ed look 'normal'

    even the one with obvious differences are normal

    most states service students with learnign disabilities such as dyslexia in special ed

    some states jsut enroll them in a special reading program

  4. You are "special ed" if you have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) and receive some type of special instruction.  This has absolutely NOTHING to do with your appearance.  It has only to do with an identified disability that interferes with your ability to learn in a typical fashion in the general education program.  A student who receives speech therapy at school has an IEP and "is special ed".    If you have been identified as having a learning disability (in reading, math, written language???) then you should have an IEP that tells what services you need and what goals and objectives that service will work on.  Special education is also not a place or a room.  It is a service or instruction.  It may be provided in the general education classroom or it may be provided in a different setting.  This depends on the student's needs.   Why is the board of education getting on your nerves?

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