
If you have a negative test with FMU can you get a positive at night?

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Took a test first thing this morning. Is the first morning test always the most accurate? Can the hormone be elevated at night at all? What if you don't drink a lot? Inpatient during this two week wait. At 9dpo today. Thanks




  1. You're a bit early to be testing, but yes, you can test any time of the day. The hormones are present all the time - unless you drink too much, in which case your urine is so diluted that there's essentially nothing to it. The reason that they recommend FMU is because that will have the highest concentration of hormones in it, so it is most likely to be picked up "early."

  2. they say to use FMU because your usually not peeing as often in the middle of the night as you do during the day and your not drinking anything so its the most concentrated.  you are however still very early to get a BFP.  why waste a test?  just wait until tomorrow and test again if you feel you need to test everyday.  if you got a negative this morning chances are your still getting a negative tonight.

  3. No matter if you test morning or evening. 9 dpo is way too early to get a positive HPT.

  4. FMU is more accurate because thats when the hormone levels are at its highest. However if you have enough in your system you'd be able to see a positive at night. Keep in mind that even a FAINT LINE is most likely positive.  9 DPO is still kind of early though. Good luck!

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