
If you have a rood canal done on a tooth...

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Is a crown necessary to protect it? Or is a permanent filling enough? I only had it filled, and my dentist's assistant told me I didn't have to worry about biting into foods. But I keep reading that a crown is necessary :'(




  1. I had a root canal about 8 years ago and never had a crown put on.The Dentist said eventually I will need one.

  2. When you have a root canal the nerve is removed ,therefore no vital blood gets to this tooth ,after years the tooth will become dry and start to break down,the best thing to do is take your dentist advise and get a crown ,this protects the biting surface of the tooth .

  3. YES! YES! YES! You must get a crown or the shell (what's left now) will start to break up and rot faster than if it where still solid. I've had four root canal therapies done and could never afford the crowns. Now I've got these giant rotting pits that the gums have started growing over...OUCH!! and on two, the "permanant" fillings have broken free leaving me open to regular infections and the same pain that drove me to the tooth butcher in the first place. This hit to your wallet now will INCREASE your quality of life. Trust me.

  4. yes. the tooth will eventually break down and chip away if not covered.

  5. ~~From what I understand you need the crown because the tooth is just a shell and could easily crack even with a filling and then bacteria can cause problems. You should get the crown as soon as you can swing it.~~

  6. Often a root canal isn't done until the tooth is so badly damaged that a crown is the only way to have a biting surface.  If your dentist felt there was enough tooth to support the filling, then you should be fine - a root canal is done through a relatively small hole and takes out the root nerve inside the tooth.

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