
If you have a snake or you are a snake expert I Have a question!?

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Hey. I'm 13 almost 14 and I really want a pet snake. I think I can convince my parents. I have been looking at pet snakes. I think the best choice is a Ball Python but not really sure so please help and give some info and what snake I should get and why. THANKS




  1. Yeah, I like ball pythons. They are really good starting snakes. I would suggest reading up on them though. Corn snakes are great ones, too. It depends a lot on the person and what the person can afford. Both of them only need a 20 gallon long or maybe a little bit bigger tank. They need a heating pad (the ones you put under the tank), a hide over the under tank heater, and a hide on the other side, and a water dish. They both love to be held and they will become attached to the person who spends the most time with the. Here is a ball Python care sheet - Here is a care sheet for a corn snake - I just want to make sure that you understand the prices of all the equipment and the food. It will be $140-$190 for the snake and the equipment. The food is about $6-$10 per month. A snake is a delicate and sensitive animal that needs a lot of care. I hope this helps you.

  2. listen

    a snake is a responsibilty u have to be ready to take this burden u need to feed it, clean its cage occasionaly, change the water take it out for a while, and nurture it if its sick do u think ur ready for that?

    if ur gonna buy a big snake like a python or boa make sure u have the room and money for it these guys can grow up to 3 meters long! and will require rabbits for food.  think about this all b4 u get a big snake

    best starter snake i suggest u would be a gartner snake or corn snake if u want a bigger snake than buy a rat snake gl mate

  3. for a first time snake owner kingsnakes, cornsnakes, and milksnakes all make good pets.  a lot of pet shops will tell you that ball pythons make good first time snakes but they really don’t…ball pythons take specific humidity requirements and ball pythons can go on really long hunger strikes (like for a year) which by the end of it both snake and owner are stressed out.  kings, corns, and milks can tolerate handling and don’t need a whole lot of humidity.  And they are usually docile snakes.

    if there is a privately owned exotic store near you (not petco or petsmart) then you could try getting your mom to go to the pet store with you. the employees are usually more than willing to take snakes out and let you see them and let your mom see them and get close. the employees might even let you hold one of the snakes yourself. once your mom sees that they are ok and that they don't usually bite maybe she will let you get one eventually. it may take more than one trip to the store to "convince her". just be patient.

    the reason i said privately owned pet store is because the employees at petco and petsmart wont let you handle snakes that they have. and you wouldn't want to buy one there even if they did, the snakes there are usually not very healthy.

    good luck with getting a snake.

  4. umm its really your choice but go to a pet store and their real experts on what snakes to get

  5. I'd agree with the ball python choice.  They were my first snake and both are docile and easy going.  They like to be held once they get used to you and they do not get larger than 5-6 ft at most (my males are about 4.5ft).   A lot of other pythons get much larger and it would be good to stay away from owning one of those -- especially for a first snake.    As the other said its about 150-200 in start up costs.  

    The only slight down is that sometimes they can be picky eaters .. give them long enough in a non-stressful environment and they do great and eventually eat.   (non-stressful == not taking out of the tank a lot (if theyre not eating), not moving the tank, not switching things around in the tank, not handling or trying to feed at the main part of the shed when their eyes are covered, etc).

    They're a great pet.

  6. Hi there balls unless are captive bread are the biggest pains to feed. A royal python which is similar and docile is a better choice. Do your research first. Corn snakes for instance are good first time snakes they only need a heat mat some bedding a cave to hide in a water dish and a tank and water dish, You can however buy snake set-ups. the other difference is a python will grow up to 6ft a corn snake Around 4-5ft a python will have a big muscular body and a corn snake will stay slender. I would suggest you see both snakes as adults to see how you feel. As for your parents its ok if they agree but they may have a say in the type you get. A big python may not impress them as a corn snake may be more acceptable in there eyes. Also you will need to realize that you will need to be supervised when handling a snake with an adult. Also be prepared to feed it mice or rats and clean it out. Also the cost of any vet fees if your snake gets ill. Hence do your research.

    Good luck on your choice hope this as help-full to you.

  7. A really good placid gentle snake to get if you are purchasing it as a hatchling is a Black headed python, so sweet and gentle, but as I said they are a python, they get big!! Most common first snake bought is a Children's python, although very good if not handled enough can get snappy..I like to tell people to buy hatchlings, whilst they are so young they are easier to keep tame and calm, but please remember to handle it lots :) hope this helps

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