
If you have a spirit guide..did he/she tell you their name?

by Guest45336  |  earlier

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One told me their name was "Lucky Waters" & was a guardian angel. The other said his name was "Thallheld" & was a guide. I'm not able to believe this anymore...considering the outcome.




  1. oh...... now I wish I had one of those spirit guide !

    Well only wen, they can help u cheat in the examination

  2. my mums friend has 2 spirit guides however no name was mentioned. she can tell them apart by this..

    ~ whenever the first spirit guide is talking thru her, her hands just keep on moving into strange positions..

    ~ and whenever the second guide speaks thru her, she keeps moving her head up and down.. kinda like she is nodding.

  3. I do have a spirit guide and her name is Florence.  I do not know about a male, whether it is different from a female.  I suspect not so much because her voice is very different.  It is sort of like a synthesizer type sound if you know what I mean.

  4. i don't believe in spirit guides, but my mom has one named florence.

  5. Yes, I have one, and he certainly did. I asked him once if he's ever been a guide to someone else, and he said no, it's been just me for several lifetimes. He aslo told me my true name.

    Makes me wonder about reincarnation . . .

  6. You have to be VERY careful when contacing entities. Some are what they say and others are just using you. There are people who every time they go to contact someone have a different "guide". I have the same one everytime. As for the male or will generally get a feeling. You have to be sensitive enough to tell...if your sensitive enough to tell then you should be sensitive enough to tell if its helping you with good intentions.

  7. Well not spirit guide exactly,but once I purchased this beautiful quartz crystal and did a lil' meditating with it,placing  the crystal next to my pillow as I lay in bed. After a few minutes I started to doze, and had absolutely no intention of communicating with it or anything else for that matter, but suddenly I felt like the crystal whispered its name into my ear/my mind's ear. I snapped awake in a hurry,lol. After that I did a little asking around and was told that the name was indeed a name in Islam meaning ''wish'' or ''will''. I have kept the crystal in my garden where it soaks up the sun all day now.                                   P.S.  I was holding it in my hand and admiring it, when it started to show these tiny twinkling lights in gold,pink and green ,very tiny but gorgeous. There was no way to tell if it was male or female.

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