
If you have a spirit( paranormal activity) in your HOME moving objects & seeing circles, what does it Mean?

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If you have a spirit( paranormal activity) in your HOME moving objects & seeing circles, what does it Mean?




  1. Hi,

    I htink you need to firstly document exactly what time of the day they are happening, if it is around anyone in particular

    in the house, etc. I would call in a paranormal expert to see if thee is a logical explination first such as doors moving due to weather not locking properly etc. Find out the logic and then seek advise from the experts to confirm your not going crazy.

    Do not try to contact or do anything that may frighten you with out advise.

  2. They are either:



    -Or Poltergeist.

    -(Or a combo)

    Mainly, they are trying to: Contact, attack, or haunt you. Mainly they have not gone to heaven or have not been put to rest. I remember how I had a poltergeist once... but if you want it to leave, then you must either:

    -Call an exorsist.

    -Ask your chruch's priest to come and bless the house.

    -Bless it yourself by saying a prayer and sprinkling holy water in each room.

    -Or move to a new home (This is a last resort...)!

  3. Spirits are not material so they can't move things, it is your own psichokinesis what moves objects involuntarily.

  4. If you really have objects moving about without anyone or any thing moving them call your local news team to film it happening.


  5. It probably means you haven't done any serious investigation yet. Document where objects are in a notebook. Ensure that no one else in the house is touching them if possible, including any pets (cats like to paw at things). Don't trust little brothers or sisters, if you have any. If you can't rule out pranksters or pets, then there is no point in attributing it to paranormal since more likely explanations exist. If you really believe objects are moving on their own, try to obtain video footage.

  6. Dear Lucas,

    It may mean that the house is haunted...following are the symptoms of haunted house -

    1. Disappearance and reemergence of objects in the house

    2. Finding unidentified objects in the house

    3. Appearance of unexplained marks around the house, e.g. scratch marks on the walls, weird faces on cupboards or walls

    4. Hearing weird sounds or sounds of doors closing or opening, banging, laughter, walking, speaking, etc. in the absence of any source

    5. Lights going on or off repeatedly without any reason

    6. Withering of sattvik plants like the Holy Basil (Tulsi)

    7. Cats or dogs whining or barking unnecessarily

    8. Unexplained death of pets like cats

    9. Unusual happenings like sudden onslaught of pests like bed bugs, red ants, cockroaches or rodents

    10. Sudden unexplained appearance of religious symbols like the cross or the Aum  symbol in the house

    11. Unexplained discord and animosity in the house

    12. Frequent unexplained illnesses or other problems like financial problems in the house

    13. Consecutive unexplained deaths in the house

    14. Feeling a presence in the house

    15. Finding unexplained blood stains on clothes, on objects or on the floor

    16. Feeling of being watched

    17. Actually seeing ghosts

    If you are interested to see pictures then please visit the link given below.


    Hope this will help you ….

    With warm regards,


  7. someone or something; is trying to comunicate with you

  8. Presuming that your not on some heavy medications then it sounds like a poltergeist haunting.  What do you mean about "seeing circles"?

  9. It means its time to move house.

  10. Well they are either there to help you or hinder you.

  11. Well the best thing to do is ignore it or just take controll whatever you do is NOT TO FEAR  IT  cause if you show a sign that your scared you can feed it. But the most important thing is have you seen it?

  12. It means what the first half of your sentence said.

    It may not "mean" anything, maybe they just "live" with you...

  13. It means you need to invest some time in finding out what really happened.

  14. You need a better grasp on reality!

  15. It means that at some point in your life you had s*x and now have kids.........

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