
If you have a stomach virus, does it always make you throw up?

by Guest57144  |  earlier

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I have a huge phobia of vomiting, and have never puked in my life (other than gagging up a teaspoon of stomach acid once). Do all stomach viruses make you puke? Or can they just give you diarrhea? I have had times of major diarrhea but have never thrown up. Could that be my will power?

Just very nervous about this all. It controls my daily life, being afraid that I am gonna puke. Any help? Any experience?




  1. I suffered with a stomach virus for a long while when i was little. I would always throw up. Even if I am hungry, i will eat but afterwards i will throw up. So I think yeah stomach viruses always make you throw up and have diarreah. Try drinking 7up or sprite. That always settles the stomach because of the acid.

  2. Yes it probably can make you vomit.

    I dont like vomiting as well, i havent done so in a while.  

  3. Well ever since i've been scared of being sick, I have fought the puking for a while. I generally just get bad bad nausea and diarrhea and hot. So I think will power could work.

  4. Sometimes you get both at the same time with a virus. Its definitely not your will power cuz if it wants out its coming one way the other or both.

  5. I actually have a stomach virus now. I haven't thrown up, but i feel VERY nauseous at times. My nausea is so bad, it gets to the point where I tried to make myself throw up but i had no luck. You may not like throwing up, but it will make you feel better. I don't have diarrhea though. But i think you should go to the ER and they will give you an IV and then give you some medicine for the nausea and diarrhea.  

  6. First of all. You will have to throw up at least a couple times in your life. Nothing big. It wont hurt you.

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