
If you have a visa debitcard and the company (online) think its a credit card will the order not go through?

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If you have a visa debitcard and the company (online) think its a credit card will the order not go through?




  1. that depends, all transactions done on-line would be verified by your bank before the sale is accepted.. probably discretion of the bank they'll either verify or refuse. no harm trying

  2. many american based shops seem to use the phrase Credit Card to mean any plastic card capable of paying, so i think you will be ok.

  3. The order will go through provided you enter the correct details. Some sites just class it as a credit card.

  4. If your debit card has a visa symbol on it, it can be run as a credit card. It just takes a few more days to post to your account. There should be no problem.

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