
If you have an average of 75%, what job can you do that pays well?

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i'm trying to decide what job i will be doing, i hate job like lawyers, doctor or teacher , i want a job that doesn't require doing a lot of sport and doing easy stuff , a job that pays well so i could travel and go shopping




  1. All that and a paycheck too?  Wow.

    I guess you could think about being a travel agent or a buyer for a merchandising company.  

  2. What are your interests?  When you graduate from college, there will be many opportunities for you, really... You don't have to be a lawyer or doctor or teacher, you could be a designer and work in the fashion industry... you could work in business interior designs, you could start a catering company after you go to "culinary school", you could be an assistant manager of a company and work up to manager.  You need to decide what YOU like and if you don't know what you like, you might try a "temp" agency... they place you in different temporary jobs... many times these temp jobs lead to full time jobs, especially since you get to know the company and they get to know you.  The one thing you have to remember there is no easy job, but there are many jobs people love and they love to get up in the morning each day and go to their job.  There is no perfect job, but there are jobs that are fun, interesting and you can make a good living.  

  3. Hmm, an average of 75%, that's a "C" where I go to school. Doesn't want to work too hard, but pays a lot of $ and lets you travel and go shopping.

    Oh, BTW, with a "C" average, your not getting into Med School, Law School or Engineering so you needn't worry about it.

    Sounds just like the sort of person I'd want to hire!


  4. So you want an easy, low-stress, well-paying job that doesn't require much in the way of skill, intelligence, or education to do?

    Well, good luck with that...

    I guess you could always be president - or a news anchor.

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