
If you have been to Germany what do you think of it?

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I would like to read of your time visiting there and what you did and what you liked and disliked. I recently went for a second time around in late May 2008 for 15 days and went to Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Heidelberg, Rothenberg, Dachau, Neuschwanstein and many small towns. I am 19 years old and went with my friends. I loved it all but sometimes we were threatened. My friends and I went out in Berlin the first night and these two German guys asked where we were from. Some naive kids in our group said "The States" then they threw some coffee cups at us and told us to F off. Then later that night in Berlin across this HUGE building their was a HUGE HUGE banner reading "F*** OFF, AMERIKA!" I got so creeped out after seeing it but in the smaller towns they were very friendly. Also, so much history to see and explore!

So tell your story now.

If you would like to see pictures of the trip and the banner add me on facebook -




  1. We lived in Germany for a total of six years. I loved every minute of it. We were military, but we decided we would live off base, shop downtown, travel and enjoy our time in Germany. My husband has since retired but if I had the opportunity to return, I would.

    We had a few isolated Anti-American incidents, but we did not allow that to spoil our time in Germany.

  2. Welll... I guess there are IDIOTS in every country.

    I am German and I don't think that such an awful behaviour is normal... especialy young people are usually very open minded here. In my opinion you have just met he wrong people and I hope that you will still come back.

    You are right: there is so much to explore here... Have you ever been to Köln or Aachen? These are very interesting places to vistit and as Aachen ist right next to the boarder you could visit the Netherlands, Belgium or Luxemburg.

  3. Justin, we sorry for treating you like this, but you have to understand that the warmonger ape you have for a president is fu***ng the image of Americans all over the world.

    I hope that the next time you visit Germany, your experience will be much more pleasant. (if you, the people, will put Obama at the wheel).

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