
If you have braces how long do you have to have rubber bands for?

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and why are they needed?





  1. however jacked up your teeth are

    they are needed to keep your bite and jaw straight/right  

  2. depens on your teeth.

  3. i have braces and i don't have to have rubber bands if you have a over bite or an under bite then you have to have rubber bands, and you usually don't have to use them for verry long u usally have them at the very end of having braces

  4. If I remember from way back when I had my braces, they are needed to add extra pressure to your teeth or maybe jaw to help them align properly.  They are important, and if you wear them as prescribed, you will have to wear them for a shorter length of time.  I remember friends having to wear their braces longer because they didn't follow instructions. The length of time depends on your specific needs.

  5. Usually around 3 months depending on your bite, they are used to adjust the way your teeth close together while they move (underbites,overbites etc.) just helps with the placement. I wore mine for about 3 months but I didnt have a bad bite... I used the "Fred" bands lol...  

  6. An orthodontist may choose to assign you elastics for many different amounts of time, depending on how your teeth and jaws are aligned.

    Usually, elastics are started in the middle of treatment and remain for the rest of the process.

    And during, this period of time, the type of elastics assigned change, depending on the way your teeth and jaws move and how fast they are moving.

  7. It depends on your teeth, their positions, and the positioning of your jaw. I had braces for 5 years... My ortho was stupid and kept overlaping my 2 front teeth because of their shape. Anway I never had them, and if I did have to wear them, I didnt, and I never wore my retainers. My teeth are fine.

  8. The answer depends on the treatment plan your orthodontist has for your specific problems.  The bands help with the alignment of your upper and lower jaws.

    Talk to your orthodontist about how long you will have to have the flex bands in your mouth.

  9. my sister needed them for about 4 months, your dentist will tell you when to stop wearing them. they are used to moved the teeth in a direction across the jaw.

  10. for 2 years. so that your teeth become straight

  11. the rubber bands are for your overbite.and it depends on how bad your overbite is.

  12. Rubber bands are used to correct overbites and underbites.

    You were them for 5 months or so.

  13. never had braces    but i need some

  14. shouldn't be too long and its used to space out your teeth so that the braces can fit around your teeth

  15. straighten teeth

    i had mine for 1 year

  16. it all depends some people dont need them at all

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