
If you have cable in your house and have a cable modem could you hook that up without paying for the internet?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to find a way to save some money so I was wondering: if you have basic cable and lines running through your home and you own a cable modem could you hook it up and not pay for the internet? I mean when you get internet through the cable company and you already have cable are you really just paying to rent the modem each month?

They didn't do anything on my end when everything got hooked up except put in the cable lines and if I give the cable modem back that I got from them could I use this other one I have and have it still work without me having to pay for the internet???




  1. With cable internet it runs over the same lines as the television, so in order to makes sure only those who pay for it can use it, you must register the modems MAC address with the provider at the time of installation. The MAC address is like the modems ID or social security card,  so they sync the  modem number and thats how they dedicate the service like your phone lines for DSL. If i were you i would try wireless. Most people don't take the time to secure their networks and leave the signal wide open...... FREE INTERNET!!! Invest in a top quality wireless USB adapter and you can recover the cost in 3 months of no internet bill!!  

  2. i would think the cable company would have to do something in order for u to connect to the internet....dont think it will happen like ur trying or they'd be losing a bunch of money...

    since you have cable and want the internet, have you tried to see if they have a bundle package?  you may save money legally that way

  3. Nope.  The cable company needs to flip a switch to enable the cable modem.

    Nothing's free anymore.  Used to be you could get water and TV for free.... what's next?

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