
If you have children plz answer...?

by Guest60918  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike do you find your toddler quite independent one day, the the very dependent the next day? give examples

how do you deal with fears, tantrums, sibling rivalry (if they have),rulesand signs of stress?




  1. I have two year old twins boy and girl! they are very independent at times and at other times they need help their people to I'm sure you feel confident in some areas and less in others!

    When my children throw fits I let them I'm not going to cater to them and they know it I dint care if its at the mall(which is often Lil) or the store I really don't care they can roll on the ground for All I care if you feed into it they do it more once they realize you give a rats *** they getup and stop like nothing hap pend its quite funny people look at me crazy and I smile all big and **** and say have a nice day!

    give them choices as well I'll let my children pick what they will wear what they want to eat thank God my children love vegies and fruit !

  2. I have a 3 year old son.

    He switches from independent to totally dependent several times through the time.  Toddlers still have a hard time communicating their emotions, and occasionally they may want to go and play in their room for a while alone, but then maybe if they get tired and start to lose that self control, they'll want to snuggle.

    I usually deal with any of his emotions by talking to him calmly and assuring him.  He doesn't act out too often; he's a pretty decent child.  On the days where he does throw a tantrum, we let him and we don't give into his demands, or bribe him.  I understand that giving in or bribing will make them throw more tantrums.  He handles rules and his "chores" (picking his toys up) nicely, and he's pretty happy go lucky thus far.

    Good luck and hope that helps!  xD

  3. they are emotionally immature...that is why you are there to guide them in the proper behavior...fear--you comfort and reassure them. Tantrums...let them wail they will grow tired when you don't pay attention...sib rivalry- its a competitive world they might as well learn early life isn't fair Be the adult not their friend when it comes to rules...they need you to show the way ...parenting is a learning process for you as will be OK Good baby is 16 so I am almost done lol

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