
If you have controlling parents?

by  |  earlier

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What's the worst thing they have every done to you?




  1. Treat me like an adult

    And want me to act like a child

    I also hate it when they expect me to know everything!

  2. Didn't let me go to a guys party that I really liked after they said I could go. I love my parents though and I know they want the best for me =]  

  3. Just don't give them a reason to suspect anything and your good.

  4. Not let me be who I want to be! I am a sculpture of social class! How one should behave and live! When inside I want to be bad!!

  5. Not really. I mean, like, my mum lets me do a lotttt of things, i mean, i got off with a warning for smoking!

    But the worst thing she ever did to me was-well-nothing really.

    My mum rocks.

  6. My dad I cant fit it in one thing lets just say I want him to die.

  7. Nuthin im 14 and my parents coodnt care less about anything

  8. tried to get me to stop seeing my birth father

  9. They're hypocritical, it's one rule for me and another for themselves. They don't respect my opinions and feel the need to constantly belittle me. It's very frustrating trying to get through to them on anything!

  10. My parents made me go to bed at 7pm until I was 16.

  11. Make my curfew ten o'clock and i am 17!

  12. dragged me up the stairs and threatened to hit me over the head with my own laptop

    yeah my dad's the GREATEST!


  13. there just like



  14. spanked me...

    hit me with a coat hanger.

    lock me in a closet.

    slap mee.


  15. all kids think they have controlling parents when in all actuality they just want whats best for you. we as parents try to protect our children from the world because we live in the grown up version where rules are different than in the kids or teenage world, Every problem you THINK you have as a kid or teenager magnify it by 100 and you will know what its like to be a grown up. Its hard to explain it to you know but wait until you have to live on your own. Take it from me, I'm 23 and I would give anything to go back to my parents house where all I had to do was go to school , work my after school job do home work and chores, vs having to do all the chores go to work take care of the kids, worry about bills being turned off putting gas in the car, making sure everybody was fed and healthy. the responsibilities are endless as an adult so don't judge your parent too harshly, it isn't at all easy like you think.

  16. this just became an issue because now my friends can drive, but they won't let me get in the car with teenagers. Even fi they're's still a teenager. I agreed with my mom that I wouldn't start driving until 17 (She thinks anything younger is too young and my friend died last year so I'm scared to drive) but I I can't go anywhere!!!!

  17. lock me in a closet and beat me

    its a song on my ipod...see? *holds up ipod*

  18. tell me off

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